127. malum

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i just used a random thing for the plate

he's quiet, quieter than normal, and for michael,
well, being quiet isn't normal for him.
he shifts his eyes around the room, white walls mocking him and shaking his hands, weakening the stems of the roses in his fingers — the ones that he ran to get once they informed him he needed surgery.
he hated the hospital — reminded him of when he was little and he broke his collarbone and the doctor was really rude, or when he cut his foot open and the nurse messily and quickly did his stitches — making him squeeze his mum's hand so hard it got bruised.

it had been five long hours and his stomach made a loud noise and — oh, he hadn't eaten all day, barely  moved from the plastic chair, only cried his eyes out.
he was gonna catch that scumbag.
because they were crossing the street when a car just, came, hitting both of them but only harming calum.
but that fucker drove away.
but michael got the plate, that's all he's been repeating in his head
oh, he was gonna find that fucker.
how long does a surgery take?
he was so worried — sick with worry about what the hell was happening, because from the nurse's face he could tell it wasn't good.
two more hours and he's walking down the hallway, the flowers now in the trash — crumpled from his sweaty hands — and he figured calum wouldn't want them.

calum was still sleeping when he walked in, yet he looked okay, just a little pale,
but michael still cried
'baby.' he whispered and let out a sob, rushing over and falling to his knees next to the bed and grabbing his hand 'i'm so sorry, baby..' he sobbed and sniffled and moaned and brought calum's hand to his cheek 'i'm so sorry.' he whispered, nuzzling into his hand and kissing his palm 'i should've pushed you behind me.' he sobbed and buried into his stomach
'mikey?' it was a mumble and michael picked his head up to see warm brown eyes 'why're you cryin'?' he asked in a sleepy mumble and michael burst into more sobs
calum was more awake
'what's the--'
he blinked around the room
'why're we in a hospital room?'
'you got hit by a car.' he sobbed, hugging him tight and calum's eyes widened
'i'm so sorry, calum, i-i--'
'hey hey..shh..' he pet his hair and leaned down to kiss his lips 'we're okay.'

michael was happy he said 'we.'

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