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calum was very touchy when he was sad, he needed the reassurance that somebody was there, so when michael's parents said no to proposing he was literally devastated, and of course michael obviously didn't know why but the fact that when he came home calum latched on to him and sniffled told him that he was sad and just needed some love so he cooed 'hi, baby.' and he kissed his head 'what's wrong?' he whispered and calum sniffled, shaking his head into michael's neck and michael frowned 'will you just, touch me?' and he said that innocently — you dirty minded people — and michael nodded, leading him over to the couch and calum laid on top of him, burying in his neck and michael did what he asked, rubbed his back and scratched at his scalp, calum practically purring and melting 'tell me what's wrong..' he whispered and calum sighed 'your parents won't let me marry you..' he whispered and michael bit his lip 'what do you mean? they said no?' and calum nodded but he finds out later that michael had a ring burning a hole in his pocket and his parents were covering for their son, and in which — after the proposal — michael was touching him...a lot.

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