124. cashton

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the first thing that ashton did when he got home was lean against the back of the door and sniffle
it probably wasn't even true.
he heard footsteps and looked down in embarrassment as he shrugged his jumper off
'baby,' calum whispered 'how come you're home so early?'
ashton paused before shrugging slowly
but calum knew him too well
so he placed two fingers under his chin and lifted his face — his heart breaking at his wet cheeks
'sweetheart,' his chest clenched as he whispered 'talk to me. why're you crying?'
'i'm sorry.' he whispered 'i don't usually let these things get to me b-but..' he broke into sobs and calum tugged him gently into his chest, his hand rubbing his back as the other caressed his temple as his head laid on his chest
'i love you so much.' he whispered over his sobs and kissed his hair
ten minutes later ashton was sniffling and curled up in calum's lap as calum looked at him with fond eyes and caressed his thigh and kissed his hair
'can you tell me what happened?'
ashton swallowed
'me and luke were going in and out of shops a-and um..' he bit his lip, looking at his hands twiddling in his lap, but then calum laced his fingers through his and he swallowed hard.
'and paparazzi showed up and swarmed us and asked us questions and i answered a few but one of the guys just..'
'what'd he do?' he asked, preparing in his head on how to kill him if he hurt his ashton
'one of the guys asked me what it felt like knowing you said mila was the most beautiful at the award show even though you were there with me.' ashton whispered and started crying all over again.
'like i said i usually don't let shit like that bother me but it hurt, and--' he broke into small whimpers and calum pulled him close so his head was in his chest
'baby.' he whispered 'i never said that — you're the most beautiful thing i've ever seen, i love you and only you.' he kissed his temple repeatedly
'i know,' he sniffled 'but she's so beautiful and i'm not.' he whispered and calum's heart fell to his stomach
'hey now, sh, no..that's so not true baby, you know that.' he whispered and frowned, petting his curls back
'i know.' he sobbed 'but you publicly said you were officially bisexual a few weeks ago and it got me thinking.' he whispered 'girls are prettier and cuter and funnier a-and--'
'shh, enough of that bullshit.'
ashton sniffled and blinked up at him
'you're mine.' he turned him and cupped his face 'you're perfect, you're mine, okay?'
'okay.' he whispered and calum bit his lip
'no girl is going to change that.'
'okay.' he whispered and calum kissed him lazily.

and if ashton smiles at every reflective surface the next day — every one having marker across them in different ways.

you are beautiful

you're mine

god i'm fucking lucky

look at that lil pretty face

i love you.

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