114. malum

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calum had never been more jealous of a bride.
well, fuck, he was gay, so he would never have one —
but besides that he wanted what his cousin was getting right now, spun by her new husband and giggling at him when he tripped over his feet and how he looked at her like she was the only thing in the world.
he was tired of being lonely.
he had been alone for so fucking long and he wished he could find someone that made his heart flutter the way it was supposed to when he was in love — there was nothing calum wanted more than to love someone and shower them with affection.
maybe that's the artist in me — lonely, he always said to himself, smirking wryly,
and that's why he stood to to the bar — a true artist — to drown himself in alcohol — and thinking of the sketch he could scrawl at home of the starry night outside the tent.
he didn't think he'd nearly trip over his own two feet when on his way — and luckily there was a chair nearby for him to grab and not topple over into a heap of whatever the fuck he was.
because he just laid his eyes on the most beautiful boy he's ever seen, fuck, and yeah calum hasn't had many boyfriends but he is definitely the most beautiful thing on the face of this earth.
he couldn't move, it's like his heart jumped out of his chest and left him panting as it ran to the boy at the other end of the bar, leaving the pain throbbing in calum's body.
he was that gorgeous.
there was no way he was single — let alone gay or bi or whatever — someone like that isn't just single;
he was too beautiful.
oh god calum he's looking he's looKING oh god
but he couldn't look away, even when the green eyes struck calum's with a fond gleam.
calum couldn't look away, except when the boy started walking towards him with a small smile and calum gulped at his shoes, biting his lip and sneaking glanced to see how far away he was from him.
calum bit his lip
'sorry.' he mumbled but the boy giggled
'it's fine, are you okay though?' he asked softly, his smile fond at the shy boy who didn't want to look at his eyes, but nodded slowly
'would you wanna dance?'
calum could fucking paint a starry night across a canvas,
but dance?
no way.
so he looked up at the boy preparing an answer, but he got lost in his eyes again and his tongue knotted.
'we don't have to.' he said softly when he saw the apprehension in his eyes ''m not much of a dancer, i just thought it'd be nice.'
his smile was so pretty.
'would you want to take a walk? it's kinda crowded in here.' and that made calum smile brightly and nod
'you're a lot better at this than i am.'
michael let out a full laugh at his sheepish mumble and smiled brightly
'i've always liked quiet ones.' he said, taking his hand and leading him out of the tent.

michael thanked the lord that a) his boyfriend dumped him a week before the wedding b) luke dragged him there and away from the tear stained ice cream cartons and c)?
that because of that wedding he was in calum's art studio smiling at the boy who kissed him softly and pushed his hair out of his face to pose him for the painting he longed to finally do.

because michael was prettier than any starry night.

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