145. muke

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when luke reached out his fingers to grab his husband's warmth, he frowned in his sleep and woke up — pouting
because he wanted cuddles.
because he was still sore and exhausted from having their baby girl two nights ago night, that when they brought her home today michael made him stay in bed all day.
that means michael stays in bed with him.
so he pouted and whined a little, sitting up and cuddling into michael's sweater as he stood and yawned cutely, his hair adorably mussed
and he padded softly out of the room, hearing soft coos from the nursery and he furrowed his eyebrows, walking towards it and he peeked through the crack in the door
'that's my girl..' he heard him whisper and he pushed the door open slowly, watching with a small smile and fond eyes — because michael was sitting on the floor, his tattooed body half covered in a blanket as he held their little girl, feeding her one of her bottles
'that's my girl.' his voice cracked a bit and he sighed happily, but luke grinned when he saw a tear go down his cheek 'love you so much..oh god i've only had you a day..' he whispered 'first day home and you're already apart of my home..'
luke smiled and let a tear go down his own cheek
the baby giggled and gurgled and michael smiled down at her big blue eyes
but then her eyes gently closed and michael sighed, standing up gently and laying her back down in her crib and kissing her forehead gently
'you're good with her.' he whispered and michael turned around, seeing the love of his life with sleepy eyes and love swimming in his smile and he was so gorgeous that the punk boy broke into small sobs and shakes and snivels
but luke giggled and walked up to him, arms wrapping around his waist and his cheek laying on michael's chest
'everything i-is just..perfect.' he whispered, voice cracking and he picked luke up to hold him 'everything is perfect..y-you gave me it-- thank you.' he whispered into luke's neck, who wiped his tears and furrowed his eyebrows
'why're you thanking me?'
michael blinked up at him and sniffled
'y-you..you gave me the time of day in highschool.' he whispered, brushing his lips on luke's 'a-and you agreed to slum it with me — get married.' he mumbled 'and now..you gave me a baby girl and i have you and i..i'm just..thankful.' he murmured
luke gave a teary grin
'you're amazing you know that?'
michael kissed his lips and moaned
'and you're mine.'
luke smiled.   

and somehow when they hear the groan of 'dads stop i don't wanna see that.' when they're kissing years later, michael is still thankful.

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