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calum liked books — that's all he really had during the day — i mean, with his mother passing when he was little and his sister passing in childbirth, he was alone with his father, who was the palace's chef —
and he rarely saw him — maybe for an hour or so at night, and that was no fun, but at least the king and queen had allowed calum to live in the palace as long as he did his own chores and made his own meals..
okay, so it wasn't so bad,
and they were nice enough to allow him access to the library, and nobody hardly went in there anyway.
except one day prince michael did, since his tutor was making him do a research paper, and that was just utterly annoying, so he trudged to the library that he barely knew existed and walked in, hearing a soft voice singing and he looked around for it — it was angelic — and he finally held back a gasp when he saw a smaller boy dragging his finger across the shelves and searching for a certain book,
and calum almost screamed when he turned and met soft green eyes because nobody ever came in — let alone the prince — so he blushed quickly and michael smiled
'so you're pretty, can sing, and you like books?'
calum nodded shyly and michael's eyes twinkled
'how could i go so long without knowing you?'
michael was in the library way more often after that.

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