139. malum

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'kitten let me in!'
michael stayed against the door as calum banged on it repeatedly, tears still streaming down his cheeks.
their fight was dumb, and they both said things they shouldn't — but calum was the one who actually slung insults in his face
and that shook him more than the door against his back as it flexed continuously.
but the fight was a half hour ago and calum was sick with worry — what the hell was he doing in there?
'michael.' he whispered 'please, let me fix this, not through a door.'
michael swallowed
'let me make sure you're okay.'
'i'm fine calum.' he sobbed, covering his face and sliding down the door 'there. will you go away now?'
calum's eyes filled at his sobs, because michael never liked to be alone — and at this point he wanted to be alone rather than being with calum.
that stung.
'okay.' he whispered, his forehead falling against the door 'i'm sorry, kitten.' he sighed, turning around and sliding down the door himself, trying to block out michael's sobs — because he did that to him.

it had been another hour and it was dead quiet, still on opposite sides of the door and michael hands were fidgeting in his lap, and he was thinking.
was he really all the things calum said?
he always felt that — but now the insecurities mocked him even more
a piece of paper slipped under the door and michael frowned, picking it up carefully
i never fucking knew that i'd fall in love with you. but it just happened — but i didn't really mind, whether you loved me back or not
because loving you was seeing every piece of happiness i could've gathered from three life times, you were like the fucking sun.
but i never loved someone, i don't know how to do it
and it's been two years, me and you, and i'm still learning how to treat you with the love i actually have for you.
i make mistakes — i'm stupid as hell — i'm the dullest fucking knife in the drawer
but i love you.
and this sounds like year 3, but
do you love me?
Yes or No
michael gave a little smile and grabbed a pen from from the dresser, clicking it before writing.
and when it slipped back under the door to calum's side, calum bit his lip but then smiled at the big fat fuck yeah in the box of the yes category
then the door clicked and calum grinned, standing and carefully opening the door, slipping in and immediately pulling michael into his chest
''m in love with you.' michael mumbled
'i love you so much.' he whispered and michael smiled 
but then he bit his lip and hummed, pressing closer to calum and the taller boy moaned a little
'ya know..' he started, michael's hand traveling down to calum drawstrings on his sweatpants and calum bit his lip 'they do say..' his hand snuck into them and calum groaned
'makeup sex is the best sex.'

oh yeah, calum got in more than just the locked room.

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