102. malum

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for beerbellybarakat bc its a happy malum :)


'no, you're drunk.' calum booped michael's nose and giggled drunkenly, michael smiling at his drunk boyfriend as he stood at the front door
calum hardly drinks a lot, but tonight was his cousin's bachelor party and he said a big fuck it and got drunk with his mates
'c'mon babe let's get you in bed.'
'now that's what i like to hear.' he started to take his shirt off but got distracted and gasped, cooing at michael's hair color
'woah,' he hiccuped 'it's pink.'
he thread his fingers through it and michael smiled, flinching a little at his sudden hands
'yes it is.'
'thank you calum.'
'so so pretty, my michael at home is really pretty too.' he mumbled and let go of his hair and michael smiled and blushed, taking his hand to lead him down the hall to the kitchen
'you're home early, did you have a good time?'
calum hummed and latched onto his back
'wanted my michael.'
michael grinned and rolled his eyes, bringing him to the kitchen and picked him up to sit him down on the counter
'hi michael.' he mumbled, hugging his front and michael pet his hair
'hi baby.'
'you smell good.'
'thank you calum.'
he pulled away and calum whined about cuddles, but michael got a glass of water for him and turned back around, seeing an empty counter.
so he looked around and saw calum hugging the microwave and petting it like a dog and michael snorted
'why do you have the microwave?' michael laughed, and calum blinked at him and started to walk away
''s my microwave.'
'it's not your microwave.'
'hey!' as he set it on the counter, the top of it fell apart, making michael go into a fit of giggles and calum smiled sheepishly and stumbled towards him, latching onto him like a koala
'somebody broke the microwave.'
michael rolled his eyes with a fond smile, forgetting the water and leading him to bed, stripping off his clothes and ignoring the horny whines about sex and michael's ass and tucking him in
'wait! where're you going?' he whined and michael smiled
'i'll be right back.'
he rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and coming back five minutes later calum was sprawled across the entire bed snoring.
michael giggled and walked over, laying half on top of him and cuddling into his chest.

he could hear the murmurs of his name throughout the night.

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