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i've been writing sad stuff lately so hb some fluff :')


'baby, what're you doing?'
calum looked up with innocent blinking eyes, his cheek and hair covered in icing
'baking.' he blushed and luke smiled tiredly, rubbing his eye
'mhm.' he continued to stir the batter and luke smiled, shuffling over to wrap his arms around his waist from behind
'what's up baby?'
'couldn't sleep.'
luke kissed his neck a few times and calum squirmed and giggled, bending his neck to try and push luke out
'stop stop' he giggled and luke smiled, turning him around in his arms and calum smiled
'why're you up?' luke whined and calum bit his lip
'i think i have insomnia.' he mumbled and buried into luke's chest 'because i'm tired but i can't go to sleep.' he mumbled and luke hummed
'yeah, but i made cupcakes.' he said softly, smiling up at him and luke grinned, reaching behind him to take one off the counter
'thanks baby.' he laughed, biting into it, and calum giggled sleepily when the blue got on his nose, and he nuzzled back into his chest and hummed, starting to fall asleep
'okay baby, no more cupcakes for you.' he whispered, throwing the rest of the cupcake on the counter and he scooped him up, carrying him back to bed.

he laid him down and ran to get a wet towel, coming back to carefully wipe down his cheek and hair, kissing his skin as calum stirred in and out of sleep
and luke slipped in bed and pulled him close to his chest, peppering kisses on his cheeks
'lukey?' he mumbled
'yes baby.'
' you.' he mumbled and luke grinned
'i love you, go to sleep baby.'
calum nodded and nuzzled in his chest, tucking his arms under his chest and luke smiled when he heard his slow breaths with a little snore
'yeah okay, insomnia my ass.' he whispered, putting his chin on his hair.

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