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luke was the frost on windows and snowflakes on eyelashes — he controlled seasons — and with those blue icy eyes and pale skin and pale hair — he made it so winter was as pretty as any other season.
and he was walking around new york with the cold wind tickling his cheeks and he giggled, watching as little kids were outside playing in the snow with their big beanies and scarves and he smiled and whipped up a snowman on one of the lawns,
'calum it's jack frost!!'
luke turned and looked at a little boy dragging — maybe his older brother? — towards him with an excited grin and luke smiled at him, crouching down and ruffling his hair
'hey bud, i'm not jack but, i'm closely related to him.'
ben, the eldest controlled summer,
then jack controlled winter,
liz controlled spring,
and his father andrew controlled fall,
leaving him with a mash of all of them and let's just say — totally better than just one season,
and when luke stood back up and made a snow hill and the little boy ran to get his sled, he looked at the older boy and he felt his heart warm, his eyes widening and his jaw slacking a bit.
'hi.' he breathed and the boy smiled 'hi.'
luke dreamily sighed and the snow under his feet melted, the boy noticing and giggling, luke's cheeks flaming as he backed out of the area, only for it to start melting everywhere he stepped
's-sorry you..y-you uh..just--'
'made you melt.' he giggled and luke nodded bashfully and mumbled a little before biting his lip
'luke, i know.'
luke blushed
'i've read a lot about you and your family, 's cool, really, how you guys are human but you control the earth's seasons.'
luke was totally in love with him already.
and he didn't even know his name.

fast forward two years

'luke — the last d-day of winter and you had to m-make it so cold t-today?' calum shivered and chattered his way into their house after his day at uni, throwing off his coat and gloves and beanie
luke smiled sheepishly
'i'm sorry baby.' he whispered dreamily, his body swaying side to side as he stared at calum, his body getting warmer
the poor little sweet thing — he thought calum was so perfect and beautiful that he softened and melted every time he saw him — which was always — so despite the weather being cold, his body was always warm.
calum smiled at him and luke continued to practically melt, tugging him into his chest and sighing against him, calum nuzzling into him — he was burning —
'h-hi.' he whispered and calum smiled and leant up to kiss him quickly
'how are you feeling? you always get sick between winter and spring.' he giggled and luke hummed and he dragged calum over to the couch and pulled him in his lap 'and you get really touchy too.' he smiled 'doing okay, missed you.' he whispered into his neck and calum giggled,
they had been watching movies for a while and before they knew it — or felt it — it was midnight so calum slid off his lap, and held his hand when luke winced and he started to change a bit, his skin getting a little darker and his hair turning golden and his eyes turning a little darker blue and a few butterflies floated around his head and calum smiled when he was just a bit warmer than usual and luke sighed and calum grinned and slid back on his lap when it was over
'love you so much, no matter what season.'
luke leant into calum's hand on his cheek and burned.

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