148. cake

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'why is he shoveling on Christmas mum?'
'because my lazy son won't do it for me.' she mumbled calum pouted, attacking his mum in a hug and she rolled her eyes
'you love me.'
'heyyy.' he whined as she smirked 'no but, i mean, it's 8am and he's shoveling our driveway..' he peered out the window to look at the blonde boy he didn't know
'he's a sweetheart.' joy said, looking out with him 'he lives with mrs. hemmings down the street, remember her?'
calum hadn't been home in a while — his tour(s) were long and he was lucky enough to be home for the holidays.
'yeah i do, but i still don't get why he'd shovel on Christmas..' he mumbled to himself, going to the closet to bundle himself up before walking out and down his driveway.
he almost moaned at the sound of the boy's quiet singing which was purely angelic — i just want you for my own, more than you could ever know--
'hi, love.' calum said softly and he jumped, and calum almost moaned again when he saw big eyes that were as blue as fucking -- he couldn't even compare them to anything
'Merry Christmas.' he said sweetly and calum smiled
'Merry Christmas, i didn't mean to scare you.'
'oh, it's fine.' he giggled softly and blushed adorably
calum grinned at him and fixed his beanie
'why're you up so early — shoveling at that?'
luke just shrugged and smiled, continuing to shovel and throw the snow into the pile
'don't you have presents to open?'
luke blinked up at him with a blush and shook his head 'my grandma..she can't really..' he shrugged and calum frowned 'get me anything..'
'she's nice..your grandma..' he said in remembrance 'she used to give me cookies after i mowed her lawn.'
'yeah.' luke giggled 'she talks about you.' he smirked 'ever since all your albums hit number 1 and stuff.'
calum smiled
'that's all i wanted actually..' he mumbled and calum frowned
luke blushed 'nothing.'
'no, tell me.'
'please?' he pouted and luke blushed deeply
'nothing, it's okay--'
'tell me.'
'one of your vinyls.' he whispered 'i don't know — 've always liked your music.'
'come inside.' calum grabbed his hand 'i have a few for you if you want them.'
'the snow will still be here in less than an hour!' he giggled and tugged him to his door
'calum this is really sweet of you but--'
'sh.' he put a finger to luke's lips and the blonde giggled shyly 'the pretty boy may not speak.'
'you're speaking.' he smirked
'because i...' he scrunched his nose up to think of a comeback 'oh shut up.' he mumbled and luke giggled.

when luke clutched the two vinyls to his chest he sniffled, and calum frowned 'is it okay, love? do you want something else?' he asked softly
luke shook his head 'thank you.' he whispered, a tear running down his cheek and calum smiled fondly
'they're just vinyls, darling.'
it wasn't anything spectacular, but then again calum already got an island full of gifts from his parents — luke hadn't gotten one thing except for these two vinyls
'not to me.' he whispered, and calum cooed at the crack in his voice and pulled him into his chest, kissing his hair 'she's going into a home soon and i just--' he whispered 'i've never gotten a present.'
calum shook his head
'not one?'
luke shook his head and smiled down on the vinyls in his hands, he will cherish this for the rest of his life
'who hurt you, love?'
'everyone.' he whispered 'my parents, friends, everyone.' luke nuzzled into calum's chest
'i'm sorry.' he whispered and luke shrugged lamely, toying with the edge of the cover
'hey.' calum's eyes lit up in an idea 'when does she go into a home?'
'that's when my tour starts.'
luke blinked 'is that supposed to make me feel better?'
calum chuckled and pulled him close
'come on tour with me.'
luke's eyes widened
'calum that's insane.'
'it's not.'
he mumbled this and pet his hair, luke sighing
'you don't even know me.'
'so ill learn.' he whispered and luke blinked up at him 'we can go on dates and stuff and then you can decide.'
'but what if you don't want me to come?'
'trust me..i will.'
luke sniffled 'how do you know?'
'because..' he fell speechless because of his eyes 'i'm already falling for you.'

and later calum finishes packing and sighs, waiting for a text from the boy he's so whipped for over the last two months when he hears a knock on the door,
and with a frown he opened it, grinning from ear to ear when he sees a blushing blonde and two suitcases
'i don't like planes — so you'll have to hold me.'
calum just laughed and kissed him hard.

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