170. malum

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'mikey, 'nother.' he mumbled and picked up the white feather that floated down to the counter and michael turned around, his blushing cheeks fading a little and he frowned
'another?' he whispered, looking at his wings and frowning, gently taking it from calum and laying it in both his palms 'that's the third this evening..' he mumbled in confusion, before calum snuck under his arms and hugged him, forehead falling on his collarbone and he sighed
'mm..' he hummed and nuzzled into him and michael smiled down at him 'love your wings.'
michael wrapped his arms around calum and kissed his hair 'what d'they feel like today?'
calum smiled and brushed his fingertips over the warm feathers.

this was calumandmichael.
how the hell did that actually happen?
michael was calum's guardian angel ever since he was born, and saw those big brown eyes blink open and giggle in his mother's arms as a tiny baby.
but time passed on and michael grew older as calum did, and michael protected him from anything, really, especially kids at school that threw food and insults at him every day.
and slowly but surely, by the time they were both 17, michael was in love with calum — because he was so kind and sweet and absolutely beautiful that he made his cheeks blush and his heart thump.
but that wasn't a good thing.
because if you fall in love with a human — especially yours, it's a sin, and michael didn't know what the punishment was, but he didn't want to.
but he didn't care.
because one night calum had enough — his tears had been there for hours and the rope was already tied to his fan — and michael knew he shouldn't of, but he made himself visible to calum, crying, his wings wrapping around himself
please he had whispered in his sobs. please don't
w-who are you? calum whispered, pausing in wrapping the noose around himself
i-i.. michael looked up at him and shook his head, wanting to pull him down but afraid to touch him now that he could see him.
get down and i'll tell you.
no, he shook his head, closing his eyes then opening them wide to gaze at michael n-no, i-i...i need to do this — you're just my imagination, you aren't a real person you--
calum, please..please listen to me, i know you, i know you maybe more than you know yourself, please get down and i'll tell you.
so calum sniffled and sighed shakily, watching the beautiful angel type creature gaze at him with bright scared eyes as he stepped down slowly.
once he was down and standing there with teary eyes,  calum was immediately tugged into his chest as he sobbed, calum following suit — feeling warmth wrapping around him before realizing it was his wings.
'who are you?' his lips whispered into his chest and michael sniffled, kissing his hair repeatedly
''m your guardian angel.'
calum blinked up at him and sniffled, michael's eyes meeting his and he bit his lip
'really?' he whispered
'mhm.' he pet his hair and curled his wings so far  around him that they were brushing him.
'w-what's..' he looked at his chest before meeting his eyes again 'what's your name? h-how long have you been here? i-i--'
'let me put you to bed and 'll tell you in the morning.'
so michael did.
and michael stayed.
and michael told him everything.
and they both fell for each other.

calum smiled at the now 22 year old like him and his fingers brushed a feather, but they immediately retreated with a whimper and a yelp.
'what happened?' michael asked anxiously, cupping his cheeks and looking down on him, pecking his lips carefully as he whimpered
'your wing.' he whispered ''s so hot.'
michael frowned, he isn't able to feel — yes, he can touch, but it just feels numb, — so feeling heat, he didn't know why or how it could hurt.
'hot? like..how?'
calum looked down at his hand to see that his hand was blistering, and michael's eyes widened.
'okay, okay, hold on,' he picked him up and set him on the counter, having him face his hand out as he healed it and calum sighed in relief
'thanks, michael.' he whispered, rubbing his hand and the angel smiled, kissing his forehead.

michael was being dragged through heaven's gates by his wing and he didn't know why.
he was laying with calum and petting the boy's hair one moment as he fell asleep in the hold of his wings, and the next thing he knew he turned and saw an angry looking angel.
'hey!! what are you doing!!'
'hush, michael.' he growled at him and threw him by the wing onto the ground and michael groaned.
'michael.' he heard the voice of an archangel and stood up, looking at him with wide eyes and swallowing as he heard the door close behind him.
'sir.' he bowed his head and winced when he heard him step down from his seat and walk over, circling him like a predator.
then he grabbed his chin and forced his head up.
'you've broken three laws, michael.'
'w-what? how--'
'silence!' michael flinched and fell quiet, looking at his feet. 'three laws, broken.'
'i'm so sorry--'
'one; you showed yourself to your guardee.' he spit in disgust 'two; you stopped him from dying — you do not stop God's fate.' michael whimpered and he growled 'three, and the worst; you fell in love with your guardee.' he whispered, circling him again before grabbing his chin and lifting his face up
'have your feathers started to fall out? or get hot, as a human would explain?'
michael nodded shyly and he heard the other archangels gasp and his eyes widened.
'please.' he whispered 'don't send me to hell..p-please don't send me there..' he started to cry and the angel in front of him glared at him
'crying.' he whispered 'you're already turning into a human — you're just missing one important detail.'
he leant close to michael's ear as he trembled
'they don't have wings.' he growled.

calum jumped awake when he heard a loud crash and he sat up, seeing a figure on the ground shaking.
'michael?' he whispered, flicking his light on and gasping.
he was shirtless and shivering and sobbing, curled up on the floor and clutching his head and calum slid off his bed and crawled to him, gasping at the two burns parallel in his back
'michael?' he whispered, and the taller boy blinked at him.
'baby..' he sat up and cupped his face, putting his forehead on calum's and running his hands all over him 'i-i..' he swallowed 'i feel you.' he whispered, clutching onto him desperately and kissing him repeatedly and calum's eyes filled
'michael..what happened..? y-your back--'
'angel, calum,' he whispered shakily.
'who did this to you?'
'archangels.' he whispered 'they knew i broke the rules, th-they took my wings,' he whispered in pain ''m not an angel anymore.' he was shaking in agony and he kept his forehead on calum's.
'oh gosh 'm so sorry..'
'ah fucking hell, my back.' he whispered
calum helped him sit up and the first time michael ever felt cold was the cream calum spread onto his cuts on his bedroom floor.

michael woke up to something pressuring his shoulder and enveloping his body.
but he blinked and looked, seeing the love of his life sitting on the bed next to him
'hey mikey.'
'hey.' he whispered, snuggling into the blanket around him 'so this is warmth?' calum nodded 'i like it.'
calum smiled 'hey, so uh, i figured you'd get hungry because um, you've never eaten before so.' he chuckled lightly and looked at the tray in his lap and michael sat up with a flinch because of his back 'and, i researched what happens when you lose a body part and i know it wasn't a limb, but i'll have to help you walk now that your gravity's changed and--'
michael grabbed his face and kissed him softly.
'you.' he whispered 'are the absolute most amazing person i've ever met.'
'and you've been to heaven.' calum smiled
'no.' he whispered 'you are heaven, you're my heaven.'

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