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OHMYGOD WHAT IF it was the boys' eight anniversary so michael took luke out to this really fancy place before he led him up to the roof of the building to look at the sunset and the sky is pink and bright and gorgeous and michael's lip is bit but he didn't know luke's was as well and michael looks at him 'baby..' and luke nods, looking at his eyes and smiling 'can i ask you something?' and luke nods and turns toward him 'is something wrong?' 'n-no, no..just..' and he gets on one knee and he's so fucking nervous and luke puts his hands on his mouth, his eyes wide in shock and michael thinks he's gonna puke but he pulls out a little box from his coat pocket 'will y-you marry me?' and luke isn't hesitant to nod and michael grins, his nausea gone so he slips the ring on his finger and kisses him softly, spinning him in circles and luke giggles 'hey mike..' 'mhm.' he sighs at luke's eyes because he's just so pretty but then luke pulls out his own little box 'you beat me to it.' and god do they have a good proposal story for their kids.

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