152. malum // disney series

317 15 2

a twist on aladdin

'so this is where you live?'
it was small and lonely and full of nothing, on the top of a building — michael seemed to like it more than the palace — he found it, homey
calum blushed and adjusted the fez on the crown of his head, looking at the boy he saved from the market with soft brown eyes
'yup, just..me and abu..come and go as we please.' he smiled, taking his hands to help lead him farther up
'sounds amazing.' michael sighed dreamily
'well, it isn't much but,' he drew the curtain back 'it has a great view.'
michael frowned when the great view was the palace and its temples and he sighed sadly
'must be nice — to live there, ya know.'
'it's..wonderful.' michael sighed and calum looked at him and michael heart pounded with small panic 'probably is, i mean.'
calum nodded and sighed
'so where're you from?'
'far from here.' he murmured
'you have to see the prince before you go.' he whispered 'he's almost as pretty as you..' he mumbled, hoping that he hadn't heard him
but michael did and smiled softly
'you're pretty.' he smiled and calum looked at him with blushing cheeks 'really pretty.'
when abu shoved calum's shoulder to motion to move closer to him, he blushed deeply
'you never did tell me your name..' calum said, his eyes flicking around the big green ones blinking at him innocently
michael bit his lip and thought — he didn't want to lie to him but he couldn't tell him his real name, right? that'd be too obvious.
'mikey.' he smiled, looking at calum with soft eyes
'mikey.' he murmured, grinning 'cute.'

calum sat in his sad home, petting abu on the back as he thought, the palace view making him sigh sadly
he was in love with mikey and it sucked — because he was poor, though mikey actually lives with his parents and has family and has some money, (he always brings food that calum hesitantly took small amounts of every time they spent a while together, which was every day)
and calum didn't care about money anyway, it wasn't a priority to him, but when it came down to mikey, the boy he wanted more than all the gold and palaces in the world, it mattered
he wanted to marry him — but he saw a scoundrel, a thief, a street rat who shouldn't bother a boy with stunning green eyes and a dazzling smile that made calum melt even more than the arabian sun made him
'what do you think of mikey, abu?'
the monkey looked back at him and bounced excitedly
'you like him?'
he gestured wildly and nodded and calum smiled
'i like him too.' he murmured 'i love him.'
he had known the smaller boy for he didn't know exactly how long — definitely many months — and throughout those months he's wanted to taste his smile
then he heard footsteps and stood, turning
oh no, the guards have found me
he pressed himself against the wall with wide eyes, abu following suit as they both watched the empty space off the roof
but he only saw his small love shaking with tears running down his face
'calum.' it came out as a croak and calum walked towards him quickly, pulling him in his arms and tucking his head to his chest
'what happened? what's the matter?' he asked softly into his hair, running his fingers over the top of his poncho 
'i-i..' he sobbed 'calum, i'm sorry.'
'what? what're you sorry for?'
'i-i lied to you..so much, about so many things.'
calum frowned and looked down on him, tilting his chin up
'what did you lie to me about?'
mikey was trembling 'everything.'
calum took a small step back 'tell me, please.' he whispered, now scared
'i'm..' he looked passed calum's confused face and out at the palace, then he grabbed calum's arm and spun him around 'you see the palace?'
calum nodded
'i-i..' oh c'mon 'i live there.'
calum's eyebrows furrowed 'what?'
'calum..' he whispered 'i-i..i'm the prince.'
calum's eyes widened and he took a step back like he'd been burned
'i'm sorry, but you were so sweet that day and--' he broke into soft sobs
'oh my god that's why i always thought you were so familiar and i figured your real name wasn't mikey because that's kind of a nickname and oh that's why you always smell so good and--'
michael grabbed him by the bicep and kissed him hard, moaning at the taste he finally attained and calum melted into a puddle
and when michael pulled away and laid their foreheads together, he watched as he licked over his lips with his eyes closed, trying to savor his taste.
'i don't care who you are.' he whispered against his lips, opening his eyes 'whatever you are is enough for me.'
'i love you.'
'i love you so much.'
'run away with me.' michael whispered and saw his eyes widen a bit 'i'm being forced into marriage and it isn't you and--'
he held up a bag and showed him the gold that could last them three lifetimes
'we'll be safe and fed and good and away from here.'
calum looked at him with soft brown eyes and his heart pounded
'as you wish.' he whispered.

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