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for genderneutralfolk

all the boys knew that luke was sensitive, but when luke was mopey all day and calum didn't know why he decided to ask him about it, so he walks towards their room and by the fish bowl, seeing it missing from the counter so he furrowed his eyebrows and continued walking to their room, hearing luke's sniffles 'hey baby..' he opened the door and frowned at his boyfriend who ducked his head and wiped furiously at his eyes 'h-hey.' 'hey stop.' he stopped him from walking into the bathroom and he frowned at his red eyes 'what's wrong?' he whispered, pulling him into his arms ',' 'cmon you can tell me..' 'goldie died.' he sniffled, burying in his neck 'go ahead, laugh.' and calum did indeed want to laugh but he didn't, biting it back 'aww, babe, 's okay..' he frowned, kissing his hair and yeah, when they tell the other boys they endlessly laugh, calum trying so hard not to and luke pouting with pink cheeks, but it's okay, luke puts fish food in their pancakes the next morning and is the one laughing.

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