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of course michael's tour bus had to be repaired — because some jackass had left all the lights on and it burnt out the battery — so he was stuck on a plane, and in coach too,
and not that he was a diva and needed first class,
but there would be a 95% chance the person next to him would be a fan and — oh god, he just wanted sleep,
so when he walked down the aisle and heard faint gasps he willed himself to keep his eyes from rolling, and he mumbled his row and number to himself, searching and searching for his seat when he found it he sighed in exhaustion, rubbing his eye as he threw his carry ons up above and he sighed again, looking into his row of seats he saw a pair of wide brown eyes for a split second before they disappeared back out the window and michael shrugged, plopping down next to him and sinking into the seats,
and michael could feel a gaze on him for little moments at a time and he found it cute when he looked up and the boy looked back out the window, swallowing and blushing, so the fourth time it happened michael smiled
'i'm michael.'
the boy bit his lip and looked at him
'i know.' he whispered and michael smiled a bit when he showed him his music that was playing, seeing his album cover,
'why didn't you say anything?' he asked softly and calum shrugged
'i figured..that you were tired, and you wanted to catch up on sleep and you didn't want a fan babbling on and on and on and on and obsessing.' he breathed
'plus i've never been to one of your shows — i really want to but, yeah,' he grinned and michael smiled
'sweetheart how are we supposed to be plane buddies when you keep things from me?!'
calum giggled and blushed
'and you're very sweet, your concern for me is sweet.'
calum smiled 'it's weird.' he mumbled
'it's nice.' he whispered 'you're precious.' he mumbled.
they had talked the whole flight, over the span of hours,
'why are you flying?' he whispered with his hand threaded through calum's
'i'm coming back from vacation; my family is a few rows up.'
'then come to my show.'
michael stood and grabbed his carry on from above, and rustling through it he pulled out a vip ticket and calum's eyes widened
'i want to see you more.' he pecked his forehead and calum smiled.

'calum!!!' the brown eyed boy smiled and ran halfway to michael, jumping in his arms as he spun him
'hey baby, missed you.' he repeatedly kissed his cheek,
'michael i saw you six hours ago on the plane.'

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