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half inspired by frozen lmao


'ashton you'll never believe it!!'
ashton turned from his reindeer and smiled at the small prince boy that he had befriended — loved — since they were kids, and his mind started to scream i love you just notice me, but the practical part of his brain broke through
because they were too different — jewels vs twigs, crowns vs sleds — rich vs poor
but despite that, he still smiled, and listened
'believe what?'
'i'm getting married!'
the brush in ashton's hand fell to the ground with a clank, but calum didn't notice that, he was spinning in circles and giggling in excitement
'oh, are?'
'yes! my father finally found a princess!'
'a princess?'
'yes! and she's...oh god, she's so pretty and smart, and she loves animals and--
ashton picked up his brush and turned back to sven with teary eyes, continuing to brush his fur
'that's great, cal, i'm happy for you.'
sven looked at his best friend with big eyes but ashton just shook his head, whispering that he was fine, and sven reluctantly nodded
but calum still didn't seem to notice and ran off, giggling with excitement and ashton let a tear fall from his eye, but his eyes hardened and he continued to brush sven,
this would've happened sooner or later.

ashton didn't want to make excuses — but he had to — he couldn't fall more in love with a boy that was engaged to a girl
so every time he saw him he'd have to go and it crushed him, but he didn't care.
it would hurt either way.
but he gets a text from calum — ashton was lucky enough to have a cellphone — saying to come and sneak into his chamber because it's an emergency and he needs help, and ashton goes without a second thought, starting to run there.
and he climbs up the tree by the window and climbs in when he sees it's unlocked, shaking the snow out of his hair and looking around frantically for calum--
and he sees him by the fire shivering and sighs.
calum turned and looked at him with tear stained cheeks and a trembling lip and it was silent between them, the crackling fire the only sound
'i'm not marrying her.' he whispered, turning to look back at the fire and despite the grin that wanted to spread, he frowned at calum's sadness
'i'm sorry calum, what happened?'
he walked over and plopped on the ground, pulling him into his chest and ignoring the way his heart pounded
'i don't like girls.' he whispered and ashton nodded
'okay, that's okay babe.'
'i like boys.' he blinked and looked up at ashton 'i like you.'
ashton froze despite the fire in front of them and retracted his arm around his shoulders
'i'm sorry.' calum whispered, his hands covering his eyes 'these past months i haven't spoke with you, and i got really depressed and she noticed, she fucking noticed and asked what was wrong and i told her, a-about you.'
ashton stared at his profile
'and she said that i loved you, because "my eyes lit up and my smile was huge," and she called off the wedding and told me to go after you.' he whispered, sniffling and he blinked up at ashton
'but you never answered.' he whispered, his voice breaking and ashton's heart fell to his feet 'i-i called and texted and tried to talk but you never answered, or you-you--'
'shh..' he pulled him in his chest and calum whimpered, hugging him tight as he sobbed
'why didn't you answer me?'
ashton tilted his chin up and looked at his warm eyes and kissed him, lazily, wholeheartedly, perfectly.

even after all these years of marriage — ashton still never considers himself royalty — just lucky and in love.

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