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when michael heard a knock on his door and opened it, he saw a head of curls in a tux,
so he went wide eyed and slammed the door when hazel eyes met his and ashton laughed
'baby? you alright in there?'
'go home. you..y-you...ughhhhhh.' he groaned and ashton blushed with a smile
'i'm gonna cry.'
ashton giggled
'i'm gonna cry, oh my god i'm gonna cry.'
ashton giggled and tested the doorknob to see if it was locked before turning it slowly and peeking his head in, seeing michael chewing his lip, his hands in his hair and he looked up
michael whimpered
ashton grinned
'you have to kinda..face me for me to ask you to--'
ashton laughed and closed the door, re-knocking on it and michael sighed, pushing his awe and nerves aside
'hi.' he breathed when he opened the door and ashton's eyes lit up
'baby.' he nodded cordially and michael blushed brightly and bit his lip and his hands went over his mouth and he did start crying when he pulled out two things behind his back, a group of small white roses and a k i t t e n
'i think he wants to ask you something.' ashton grinned, handing him the kitten and reading the tag on the collar
and michael smiled
dear michael,
as cute as i look right now, i think i know someone who'd look even cuter taking you to prom so, maybe go with him instead?
and michael giggled and kissed the kitten between its ears, and he looked up at ashton and nodded and ashton had grinned, his smiling lips molding onto michael's as he stepped forward, cupping his cheeks and tasting him.

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