133. malum

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hello i love this one goodbye

everyone knew that michael was calum's; hell, the whole world knew. well, except for luke hemmings, the extremely flirtatious midfielder on calum's soccer team who would try to hit on michael during half time.

michael was always a little miffed that calum never noticed, but little did he know the maori boy was watching the blonde boy's every move with cautious eyes. one day, when luke was being particularly handsy with michael, calum sidled up to the pair, a smug, shit-eating grin on his lips.

'hey luke, michael. how are we today?'

michael almost choked at the wink calum sent him, but managed to keep his composure as he murmured a feeble 'good'.

'are you sure you're good, michael?' calum raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend. 'your neck looks pretty bad.'

'what?' michael squeaked, popping the collar of calum's representative jacket and trying to see what was making his neck 'look bad'. and that's when he remembered them.

the purple bruises that littered the base of his throat and around his jaw, reminding him of the detail calum went into last night to make sure michael knew he was his.

'o-oh.' he stuttered, a blush coating his cheeks as he looked over at calum, who was looking at luke with raised eyebrows and folded arms.

'he's mine, hemmings. stay away from what's mine, or you'll be wishing you never signed up for the fucking team.' calum said, his voice low and threatening as he looked the shaking blonde straight in the eyes, making sure his words were received loud and clear.

and that's how michael ended up wearing calum's jacket to every single one of his matches, except this time with 'HOOD'S' written boldly across his shoulders.

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