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'who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?'
punk!luke looked up and smirked
'fiancé, baby doll.'
ashton blushed but repeated the question and luke smiled
ashton had come home to luke on the couch, reading,
reading a book
'what? am i not allowed to read?'
'i've never seen you hold a book.'
luke rolled his eyes and looked down on to kill a mockingbird and ashton blinked and walked over, pressing a hand to his forehead
'are you..feeling okay?'
luke smacked his hand
'shut up.' he mumbled and kept reading 'what the fuck this is bullshit!! tom obviously didn't do it, it was fucking ewells — fucking pricks.' he mumbled on and ashton gaped
'since when do you read?'
'since i heard you on the phone talking to calum about how our jobs are so different.' he mumbled and ashton frowned
'whatever..'s fine.'
ashton frowned and sat next to him, gently closing the book and throwing it to slide on his lap and luke blushed
'babe..i'm sorry.'
'it's fine.' he sighed and kissed his forehead 'don't feel bad, you were right, you teach english and i do tattoos.' he mumbled cutely and kissed his jaw line, ashton sighing
'you shouldn't have tried — let alone wanted to — change for me.'
'i'll be anything you want me to be.' he whispered and nuzzled into his neck, kissing his throat and ashton smiled sadly
'i love you, luke, the way you are.'
'love you more my lil bookworm.'

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