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italicized is michael and bold is calum

everyone had a soulmate — it was how the world was arranged — and some people found theirs in different ways, by seeing only in black and white before meeting your soulmate who fills the world with colors, having the same birthmark in the same place, or feeling their pain until you meet them and it never happens again,
those were the only three ways,
but michael saw color, he didn't have birthmarks, and he didn't feel weird ass random pains — and he doubted that his soulmate had never felt pain —
he was pretty sure his soulmate was dead, and that sucked, because who was he supposed to love, a corpse?
that was probably the only thing that could love me — he thinks.
but it was his eighteenth birthday when it happened, when he thought he was losing his mind, because
there was a voice in his head, talking to him, and it was weird as hell
um, hi?
oh thank god i'm not crazy
michael frowned, he was so confused
who are you?
i'm calum, what's your name?
hi michael!!
are you my soulmate?
and that's how michael met his soulmate, through thoughts; and that's never even been heard of before..
so it had been a few months, full of stories and descriptions and love yous and the summer was finally over, so it was back to school for the both of them.
school today..yay
ah babe you'll be fine
but i'm new kid
michael wished he could see his pout
you'll do fine, babe, chin up
love you
love you more
michael smiled when he sat down in homeroom, thinking his last words to calum before the bell rang, and in walked the teacher
'hello class, i'm mrs--'
the door barged open and a boy came in panting apologies for being late and getting lost
'ah, you must be mr. hood.'
babe, isn't your last name hood?
yeah, why?
'class, please welcome calum to our school--'
michael's eyes widened because oh god, that was calum, and he was...perfect,
'you can take a seat next to michael.'
and when the two made eye contact calum dropped his books and michael almost fell out of his chair.

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