156. mashton // disney series

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twist on sleeping beauty

'what d'ya mean he's asleep forever?'
prince michael's eyes were wide as he looked at the three fairies with a lip that was starting to tremble
the three fairies looked at each other nervously and the smallest one sighed and shuffled her feet in the air
'maleficent cursed him..when he, he was a baby, that he'd prick his finger and fall into a death like sleep.'
michael whimpered and took a step back like he had been struck
his voice was small as memories of curly hair and hazel eyes flashed in front of his eyes, and his body started trembling.

he remembers when small fingers were nimbly picking berries and a beautiful voice started humming and singing to the birds and squirrels around it
'i walked with you once, upon, a dream..' ashton sang and pet the underside of the deer's ear, who looked at him happily and swayed a bit
'you'll love at me once, the way you did once, upon, a dream..'
he twirled around the little patch in the forest giggling, humming and swaying and michael smiled from behind the bushes
'but if i know you, i know what you do, you love me at once, the way you did once--'
'once, upon, a dream..'
michael smiled softly at him when jumped, chuckling when he spun around with blushing cheeks and wide eyes and michael held his hand
'i'm awfully sorry..' he smiled 'i didn't mean to frighten you.' he shook his head gently
ashton blushed and pulled away, his hand slipping out of his grasp but michael caught it again
'oh, it isn't that...it's just that, you're a - uh.' he pulled away again and michael grabbed his hand once again
'a stranger?'
'mhm.' he blinked into michael's eyes and michael smiled
'but i'm no stranger, we've met before.'
'we have?' his eyes went a bit wider
'you said it yourself, once upon a dream.'
ashton giggled sheepishly 'that's just a song.'
'not to me.'
it came out with a smile and ashton smiled back at him, his cheeks still red.

michael shivered and blinked at the fairies, his fingers coming up to his lips to run over them, trying to remember his taste that he had memorized the many times after they met
and he remembered how small his hands were in michael's and he remembers how his father barked at him that he couldn't marry a boy he met in the woods and he remembers how sweet his eyes were and how pure his giggle was.
'curses can be broken, can they not?'
'that's why we searched for you, because it can only be broken by true love's kiss.'
michael shivered and bit his lip, his hand falling to the pendant around his neck - and sighing he remembered that ashton had carved a small stone and attached it onto a thread.
he had never met anything so precious.
'take me to him, please.'

the fairies didn't expect him to fall to his knees next to the bed and start to cry
'oh, my love..' he whispered, putting his hand on top of ashton's and sniffling when he realized how cold he was 'oh i'm so sorry.'
the fairies sighed and left the room, shutting the door quietly, muffled by michael's cries
he lifted his hand and pressed it against his cheek, nuzzling into his freezing palm to try to convince himself that he was holding michael
'i'm so sorry this happened to you, love.' he whispered 'please come back.'
it wasn't that he doubted his love for ashton - but he didn't know if ashton felt the same,
sure they had stolen kisses and hugs and cuddles and laughs and love but michael didn't know if ashton was in true love with him
but michael stood and sniffled, wiping away one of his tears that had fallen on ashton's cheek, the cheek he's kissed and caressed so many times
he leant down and kissed him softly and with everything he had and he pulled away with another sniffle.
it didn't work.
michael let out more tears when he didn't wake up.
he laid there as cold as before,
'please.' it had been more than a minute 'please, love.'
michael was about to leave when he stirred and whined a bit, his eyes blinking open
'michael?' he was pliable, lifting his arms in the gesture to be hugged or picked up and michael grinned
'you scared me, love.' he whispered, picking him up bridal style and sitting on the bed, ashton curling into his chest
'hi michael.' he hummed, kissing his sternum and michael smiled, kissing his hair
'will you marry me?'
ashton blinked up on him with warm sleepy eyes and mussed curls
'once upon a dreams can happen yeah?'

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