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'i am not a kid!' and he threw his tomato from his sandwich, it landing in a wet splat on luke's cheek and luke flinched, and the second it flew out of his hand calum froze, oh god oh god oh god, and luke is supposed to be pissed, but he can't help the giggles flowing out of him but calum's eyes are still wide, should he fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness, but luke grabs the slice off his cheek and walks over, dangling it between his fingers 'i believe this is yours.' he smiled and calum watched with fearful eyes and when he realized his life wasn't in danger he let out a little laugh 'i'm sorry.' he laughed, grabbing luke's bicep and pulling him into his chest, wrapping his arms around him and burying in his neck, laughing 'i'm sorry baby, don't know what came over me.' 'you threw a tomato. at my face.' luke's voice was dry and full of disbelief but it came out as a giggle, nuzzling into his chest and forgetting the petty little fight about dishwashing.

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