147. lashton

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ashton hated to see luke's face in the form of pixellation, blurry and a little off and a low saturation — he could never see luke's actual blue in his eyes —
but in three days that would be over and ashton was thrilled about it — so was luke — and when ashton answered the video chat call a smile was lit on his face
'hey baby.'
luke's voice was a little raspy and luke turned on the small light he kept in his bunk and ashton smiled
'hey.' he giggled
but luke only looked down on his fingers and bit his bottom lip 'how was your day baby?'
'eh..a little boring..just adjusting some final preparations for the exhibit..oh god i'm so excited.'
at the mention of that luke physically winced
'i'm really excited but also kinda nervous--hey, are you okay?'
luke looked up at him and sighed
'ash, i really have to tell you something.' he whispered, guilt eating his insides
'what is it?'
luke's heart broke when he looked up and saw his big pretty eyes staring at him in curiosity, a small smile on his lips as he giggled
'your exhibit, baby--'
'what about it?'
luke sighed and bit his lip
'i'm so fucking sorry..oh god.' he whispered, running his fingers through his hair and ashton's eyes widened a bit and his jaw dropped
'y-you aren't coming, are you?'
luke looked up at him 'i'm so sorry ashton..i'm so sorry..maybe take calum or michael--'
'but you promised..' his voice cracked and luke's eyes saddened because oh god he made the sweetest boy in the world feel upset and neglected and that wasn't okay that wasn't okay that was not okay
'baby listen, i'm so sorry, management is making me do more shows for a few more weeks and--'
b-but it's my first exhibit..you should be there
'w-what? okay?' he asked with confusion in his eyes and in his voice and ashton shrugged, looking down
'it's out of your control, i get it.' he whispered and luke could feel ashton's heart break — and he was on the other side of the fucking world
'baby, please--'
'it's okay, luke, i have to go..'
'baby please don't shut me out--'
luke started to panic because there were tears in ashton's eyes and the boy was so fragile and easily hurt and sensitive and luke made it his number one priority to never allow anything to make him cry
oh fuck i fucked up
'i have to go.' his voice was broken and luke was dead set on panic and trembling and stuttering
but ashton's teary eyes were gone from his screen and his breath came out shaky as he reached for his phone and started an imessage, seeing the messages he frantically sent being read but not answered.
and he grabbed a pillow, bringing it to his chest and sniffling into it softly.

ashton had managed to sell more than 16 pieces which was pretty good for his first exhibit, and he got a few jobs and offers for collaborations
the one thing that would make it better — a 6'4" boy murmuring how proud he was in his ear
so everyone had gone and calum and michael decided to help ashton with cleaning up, and they're halfway through when the door burst open
'fuck i missed it!' he groaned, not noticing malum's laughs and the smile on ashton's face when he started to bang his head against the wall
so ashton slipped between him and the wall and kissed him softly, luke moaning into his mouth because he hasn't kissed anyone, let alone ashton in four months and he cupped his face and pulled away
'my flight got delayed i'm so sorry baby, dammit i--'
but ashton just grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him hard, michael and calum groaning and laughing at luke's moans.

but ashton knows more than one art — and this boy was one.

but he also knew the kind of art filled with moans and pleads and soft i love yous was another.
luke got that one only two hours after.

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