193. muke

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is it possible that i'd be able to sit here?

luke's eyes – still filled with tears – blinked up and only saw smudged blurs of color and light until he blinked.

he thought that sweeping himself into a cozy and small café at 7am would draw less attention to himself, because nobody was there and the warm envelope of the air could surround him and drown everything away from a crying college student at a table alone.

guess he was wrong.

the boy stood in front of him was stunning, to say the least – emerald eyes swimming with concern and pink lips stretched up into a small smile that said i'mherei'mherei'mhere, despite him and his purple locks being unfamiliar to the boy with teary eyes.

luke's cheeks burned into the color of the boy's lips as his gaze flickered around the café, seeing that there were at least – and obviously – a dozen tables open.

"y-you.." he sniffed and shook his head. "i don't..understand."


"um..t-there's plenty of tables open-"

he was shocked when the boy let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head, and luke finally noticed his multiple tattoos and eyebrow piercing, and his cheeks burned more as his eyes swept up and down his arms.

"i don't like seeing people cry." he murmured, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

he didn't wait for an answer, he bit his lip in an almost-smirk and grabbed the chair across from the blonde, spinning it around and sitting on it backwards, resting his head on his folded arms.

"talk to me, angel."

luke chuckled in the slightest, wiping a tear.


a shrug. "dunno your name, and you look like one."

luke stared at his face as his owned blushed deeper.
there was something so delicate in the way that his eyes smiled with his lips, and how despite his exterior of black and white and green and purple and red – sharp in practicality – the colors actually were what softened him at the same time, became his tattoos screamed art and his eyes told a story of softness and comfort and home – that's it.

luke found home in the depths of a stranger's eyes.

"um, well." he cleared his throat. "i'm..i'm luke."

michael grinned and chuckled softly. "lucifer was an angel."

"lucifer ended up in hell." luke chuckled and michael bit his lip and shook his head.

"he still started as an angel," he murmured, then smiled. "and who says that defiance immediately sends you to the end of your good?"

"lots of people."

michael smirked. "defiance, rebellion? the start of change."

"not if its for bad."

"bad choices don't make bad people, do they?"

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