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punk!calum smiled when he heard the door open because his boyfriend was finally home so he stood up, walking towards the door and his eyes widen when he sees michael's lips locked to some business-suit guy and his eyes immediately filled 'michael?' and they both stop, looking over and michael groans 'what?' 'y-you--' 'i'm just here to get my things then i'm leaving.' and calum stumbled back like someone had shot him 'w-what?' and michael giggles, smiling at the clean cut guy and before calum watches him run upstairs and the guy looks at him and chuckles 'no wonder he's leaving, fucking punk--gross really.' and michael comes down with bags packed and he's ready to leave and calum is frozen in his place, his eyes blurry and tears are streaming down his face and michael walks towards him and scoffs 'you're disgusting.' and he spits on his feet and calum lets out a sob, flinching and michael rolls up his sleeve, seeing the scars from years ago and tattoos covering most of the skin 'you're a fucking pig.' and michael looks at his face, seeing his lip and eyebrow piercing quivering before he laughs, rolling his eyes and walking out the door with that guy.

calum had collapsed to the floor the second the door closed, his body shaking because this was his biggest fear, and his mind starts to instantly panic and he can't breathe, and he thought he was still trembling until someone was shaking him 'cal. calum.' and he tried to push them off 'CALUM!! WAKE UP!!' and he jolts, his eyes flying open and he's panting as he is laying on his back, feeling sweat all over him and he looks up, seeing michael above him 'hey, okay? you were screaming--' and he's cut off when calum hugs him tightly, sitting up and sobbing tears and words into his neck 'hey.' michael pulled back and cupped his face, his eyebrows furrowed as he straddled his waist to get more comfortable, calum's arms still around his body 'i can change..i-i'll change i'll be anything that you want--' 'calum?' and michael's eyes fill at his desperation and words 'baby, hey, what are you on about?' he whispered, kissing his lips to calm him down and calum only hugs him tighter and let's his forehead fall on his.

'i'll change, for you i will--okay? is-is that what you want? because i'll do anything--' 'calum, stop..' he whispered 'tell me what you're talking about..' and calum lets out another sob burying back in his neck 'i know what i am..i know i'm not worthy of you and you deserve someone so much better than me..not some-not some pig.' 'what on earth?!' and michael looks at him as he sniffs, seeing his lip quivering 'baby, what happened in your dream?' and calum spills the whole thing, how michael went with the educated and clean-cut guy because that's always been calum's fear, that he'll leave for someone better, realizing he didn't need calum anymore and michael just coos at him 'hey,' he lifted his face up 'i love your piercings and tattoos, yeah?' and calum looked down 'and your scars are your past, shows me how strong you are.' and calum sucks his lip in as he stares at this epitome of beauty and michael kisses him softly 'and that's only the exterior, what about what's inside? have you thought of that? because you have the biggest heart in this world and i'm glad that you say i have it in my hands.'

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