141. cake

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like 1800s time

'hi love.' luke whispered and calum watched as he sat down with a smile
'hi.' he sighed dreamily, leaning his chin on his hand  and sighing again
'i don't mean to be rude, but you look awfully tired calum, are you okay?'
i'm working myself to the bone
'yes, i'm totally fine.' he took luke's hands across the table and sighed 'i'm, just..in love with you.' he reminded him and luke giggled
'i love you too. you should get some sleep though.'
calum just grinned 'not a bad idea, but i'd rather see you here then in my dreams.' he smiled charmingly
luke's cheeks turned pink and he scoffed

a ring was fucking expensive
and that's why he's sitting at the cafe where he's supposed to meet luke, but he's asleep, his head down on the table as his body gives in
because luke was a billion times richer than he was and he needed to win over his father — but now he needed a good enough ring for him alone
but he wasn't sure if luke was like that — expected high maintenance and the best of everything.
but he deserved it any way.
luke deserved the best of everything because he was the best of everything and he was sweet and kind and gentle and calum needs him for the rest of his life.
but a ring is fucking expensive.
that's why he barely gets two hours of sleep anymore.
'calum?' he asked softly — at first he thought he was crying when he saw his head down but then realized he was sleeping,
so he shook him gently and calum moaned, blinking his eyes open and stretching 'hey luke, sorry.' he hummed sleepily
'calum you look sick.'
''m not sick, i'm okay.'
'no you're not, why aren't you taking care of yourself?'
calum sighed and hummed when luke's cool hand felt his burning forehead 'i gotta work, baby.'
'well you aren't working for a while.' he took his hand and dragged him out of the shop
but when they reached luke's doorstep calum's eyes widened
'luke no.'
luke turned back with furrowed eyebrows
'b-because..' he sighed 'i — your family, they'll think i'm not..'
luke cocked an eyebrow 'i'm confused.'
'i've never met them.' he mumbled and luke nodded
'they just..' he started to cry 'they'll think i'm not..' it was impossible to finish with a knot in his throat
'you aren't what?' he asked softly
'enough.' he whispered, looking at his shoes that were the only pair he had and his clothes that screamed poor blacksmith and luke softened when he saw his tears plopping down
'that's why you've been working so hard isn't it?'
calum looked up at him and bit his lip before nodding softly 'you need a ring and,' he took a shaky breath 'and i..'
'calum.' he whispered, stepping off two steps and leaning up to cup his face 'i don't need a ring to marry you.' he whispered and calum looked at him with a blurry vision 'you just need to love me, that's it.'
'i do love you.' his voice cracked 'but your family is..they want the best for you and--'
luke went on his toes to kiss him and calum sighed into his mouth before luke pulled away from his lips, smiling a little when calum tried to follow them
'you're what's best for me.'

he did end up giving luke a ring in the end — but luke couldn't care less because he had warm hands around his waist as he was spun around gently and a forehead against his own
and a whispered i love you against his lips.
that's all he needed.

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