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calum was glaring at michael on the way home and the red haired boy could see it out of the corner of his eye and he gulped, his hands tightening around the wheel 'daddy, why are you gl-aring at daddy like that?' and calum just smiled back on their four year old daughter 'cause daddy's in trouble.' he said sweetly, michael swallowing again and calum going back to his glaring and they finally get home, their daughter running to her room squealing, and calum stares at his husband with hard eyes and michael shifts nervously 'don't be mad..' and calum laughs 'i'm wayyy past mad clifford--her ears pierced?! really?! i thought were gonna wait till she was at least 8?!!' and michael sighs 'i'm sorry, okay? it isn't my fault she got your puppy eyes.' he frowned and calum sighed and michael hugged him lightly, tightening his grip when he didn't push away because calum rarely got mad, so this was a big deal 'am i sleeping on the couch?' he mumbled and calum chuckled a little 'no...' he sighed, wrapping his arms around his neck and michael sighed, burying in his 'thanks, baby.' 'yeah yeah elmo whatever.' and michael grinned.

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