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calum straddled ashton's butt and ashton groaned when his fingers dug into the knots in his back 'ugh, babe..that feels...' and calum grinned 'good?' 'mm, good.' and he smiled, still digging because this was the first night in two weeks they got a night alone, and right now the room was filled with candles and just plain comfort, and calum wanted to be there for the rest of his life ''re a god.' and calum giggled but ashton flipped over to land on his back and look up at him 'ugh..june 26th and i still have the love of my life.' and calum grinned, leaning down and nuzzling his nose against his 'you say that every day, with every date.' 'yeah but today is special.' he whispered against his lips before pecking them softly 'mmm, why?' 'well today, they legalized something..' and calum smiled 'yeah, same sex...same sex marriage.' and calum's eyes widened and he sat up when ashton grinned after the first "same sex" he had said and he put his hands on his mouth when ashton reached over to his nightstand drawer 'i know i should be on one knee right now but--' and he pours his heart out, going on for minutes and by the end they're both crying 'you're serious?' and ashton sniffled and nodded, and calum nodded 'yes, of course.' he whispered and ashton grinned, slipping the ring on his finger and calum leaned down again, kissing him and giggling when ashton flipped them over.

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