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ashton burst through the door, dropping his suitcase and running to the bedroom, and when he didn't see calum more tears streamed down his face and he sucked in his lip
he didn't leave me. not because of this.
he ran to the living room, seeing the tv playing on mute and the small sleeping boy wrapped in a blanket and ashton sniffed, and walking over he bent down to his level and pet his hair — i'm so sorry baby — he whimpered and kissed his forehead before he gathered him in his arms and shut the tv off, starting to carry him to bed, and calum never stirred, even when he laid him in bed and tucked him in with a small and croaky i love you so much and a kiss to his lips, and ashton assumed he didn't want him in bed with him so he took his place on the couch, the leather cold and he felt like he was still on his tour — but this time he was actually home.
'WHAT THE FUCK?!' ashton jolted awake to see calum standing in front of him on the couch, with wild hair and teary eyes and ashton sat up
'baby i'm so sorry i--'
'you're home!!' calum tackled him and hovering over him, he kissed him all over, squealing,
ashton quirked an eyebrow at him once he fell on top of him and hugged him tight
' aren't mad?'
'mad?! why would i be mad you're home?!'
'i-i..' ashton shook his head 'i missed your graduation.'
'my graduation is next month. you weren't supposed to be back for a month.'
ashton's eyes widened
'you mean i had a mental breakdown when i thought i forgot about you — making management send me home because i was on the ground sobbing — rushing through an airport, and having my plane delayed, and losing my phone, to coming home to you sleeping and carrying you to bed while i slept on the couch because i thought you hated me, for nothing?!'
'baby i think you need some shuteye.' calum mumbled and ashton sighed, nuzzling his nose into his cheek 'i'm stressed.'
'then, let's go sleep away the world.'
and calum helped him up and led him to the bedroom, to sleep in something way more comfortable than a bunk — with his favorite person.

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