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he found out through a fucking phone.
and the congratulations wasn't enough to fill the hole in his breaking heart
but he said a quiet thank you when he was told that they did amazing and he asked to speak to ashton but he was sleeping, so, he hung up the phone and stared at the floor somewhere
'you okay mate?' luke walked into the room and grabbed his water, taking a drink while michael answered him
'i'm a dad.'
he spit his water into a mist in the air and despite some of it running down his chin he grinned, running out and calling for calum,
but all michael could think was that he missed so many things — ashton's knuckles white and the contractions and the frantic rush to the hospital at 3am and the first cry and the first breath and the first hold, he couldn't even hold his newborn daughter —
his little princess
'CONGRATS MATE!!!' he was still staring at the ground when calum and luke came back in and when he didn't answer they frowned
'mike? you okay?'
michael shook his head and he felt his eyes fill and michael thinks the last time he cried from pain and sadness was eight years ago when his face was burned, so the tall blonde french fry and the shorter brown puppy dog clung onto him and murmured reassurances.

'i'm sorry.' were the first two words spoken to his husband and ashton smiled a little when he scooped him up in his arms and buried in his neck, and ashton waved off his apology after he kissed him softly as he set him down
'c'mon, let's go.'
michael felt the nerves then, the twitching of his fingers and his heart pounding and he glanced away from their hands to see pink and he bites his lip when they stop at the door, and michael walks in
there were two cribs.
and michael looked back with teary eyes 'twins?' he whispered
ashton smiled and nodded
so the 'they did amazing' was the twins, and not the baby and ash, he thought
'they didn't see her in the ultrasound.' he said shyly with a little laugh and michael looked at the cribs in awe, walking over to look in one and he saw his favorite hazel eyes on a smaller body and he smiled all watery and stroked her cheek
'hi baby girl.'
he looked to the other crib and walked to it and did the same, only calling this one little love, but crying and sniffling ten times more
'hold them.'
michael looked at ashton who nodded and he picked up one of his daughters, holding her carefully and watching her giggle and wrap her hand around his finger and when ashton laid his other girl in his other arm he had never smiled so big and he placed little kisses on their cheeks and they giggled before he looked up at ashton realizing one thing —

he was gonna give these three the universe.

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