116. cake

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luke never knew what love was — he only knew what it was in books as he played with the hem of his sweaters.
he was nerdy but he was adorable — that's why the nerdy girls had crushes on him — he wasn't the type of nerdy that was pushed around and made fun of.
but nobody loved him the way he craved.
so he was sat in the library, on the floor with his back pressed against the bookcase, reading and smiling and giggling through the last page of little woman.
he sighed and stood, feeling a twitch for pride and prejudice, so he walked over to the bookcase to retrieve it
but as he found it and reached for it, a hand landed on top of his and he froze.
he looked next to him after the hand retracted itself and saw the prettiest pair of brown eyes he's ever seen  in his life.
's-sorry uhm..uh,' despite the boy's nervous voice and his blushing cheeks he couldn't help but not stare at luke's eyes as he pushed his glasses a little farther up his nose to make sure they were that beautiful.
they were so gorgeous.
luke smiled softly at him before the taller boy gestured for him to take it
'g-go ahead, i-i've read it many times anyway.'
'it's fine, you can take it.'
'no, really.'
'are you sure?'
the boy blushed 'i mean, yeah, just..'
luke smiled at him — how could he be so nervous when he was so adorable?
'i get it.' he clutched the book to his chest and smiled
'i'm luke.'
the boy smiled shyly 'calum.'

luke inviting calum to go on a walk with him in exchange for the book was probably the best decision of his life — because calum was too sweet to pass up,
so once luke checked out the book he went back to the front door where calum said he'd wait — only to eavesdrop on the cutest thing he's ever witnessed, —
calum fixing his hair in the reflection of the door's glass and mumbling to himself
'okay, don't fucking blow it — he's too cute.'
luke grinned a stupid grin before walking up to him,
'hey, ready to go?'
calum blushed and nodded, confidently interlacing their fingers together before they walked out into the city.
a stroll unexpectedly turned into coffee which turned into dinner which led to the movie theater which led to calum walking luke up his steps of his apartment with love glazing his eyes
'um, that was possibly the best night of my life.' luke smiled and calum grinned at him, his cheeks flaming
'me too.'
so luke dug in his bag and grabbed a sharpie, and he grabbed calum's arm
'what're you doing?'
'i'm giving you my number.' luke looked up before writing 'is that okay?'
'okay, i mean — yeah, yes..i'm sorry..'
luke burst into giggles and nodded, writing his name across his forearm and smiling at him
'call me, yeah?' he whispered softly and calum vigorously nodded
'i will.'
luke kissed his cheek and walked in, sliding down the door with a content sigh.

and yeah, calum's roommate michael whooped and hollered over the number but all calum could do was think of his blue eyes shining gorgeously.
maybe pride, but the farthest thing from prejudice.

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