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'baby what're these?' michael's eyes widened and he ran over to ashton, ripping the box of letters out of his hands and ashton pouted 'you weren't supposed to see these.' he was so so embarrassed, his cheeks turning pink 'they're not...for you,' and ashton pouted 'what are they?' and michael bit his lip 'letters.' 'to who?' 'my future husband.' he mumbled and ashton gave him a small smile 'why're you writing them?' and michael wrinkled his nose for a moment 'pretty much to apologize for him picking me and staying with me.' and ashton quirked an eyebrow 'apologizing?' and michael rolled his eyes 'have you met me? i'm a handful.' and he brushed passed him, putting them back in the closet where they should've stayed, and ashton follows 'and what makes you think they're not for me?' and michael looked at him 'you can't possibly want to marry me.' and ashton frowned 'why wouldn't i?' and michael looked at him 'really?' ashton snorted 'baby, i'm not going anywhere.' and a few years later ashton is on a plane, michael asleep on his chest, and reading the first letter that's titled for after the wedding.

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