131. mashton

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that's right- i'm back. this time with hockeyplayer!ashton. you're welcome.

'alright, irwin.' the coach clapped a hand onto ashton's shoulder, not remembering the blooming bruise he'd just received from the particularly violent goalie on the opposing team. 'the win's on you now. johnson's off, anderson's been binned, and i'm pretty sure armstrong's going to hospital. everyone else, pass to irwin.'

after doing the team call, ashton pushed his mouth guard into his mouth, grabbing his hockey stick and readjusting his shinguards before skating out onto the ice. he risked a glance to the lilac-haired boy in the stands, ashton's spare hockey jersey draped over his shoulders and his mouth open wide, shouting cheers of encouragement.

ashton barely noticed a player from the opposing team charging towards him, before dropping his shoulder and barging him into the rink's walls. his head smashed into the glass, and suddenly everything was disoriented and fuzzy, his surroundings spinning. he heard the lilac-haired boy's voice ring out, shouting his name, and wished he could go and see him, tell him that he was okay, but he knew he was in no state to do so.

he woke up lying down on one of the side benches, the coach looking down at him with worried eyes. 'you alright, son?'

'i-i'm fine. where's mikey?' ashton asked, worried that the lilac-haired boy had left. the coach moved, and the boy stepped out, still wearing his jersey, the sleeves flowing over his hands. 'mikey, baby...'

'ash...' mikey sighed. ashton opened his arms, and he fell into them, nuzzling into his chest. 'i'm so glad you're okay.'

'i'm fine, baby. are you okay?' ashton gently took mikey's face into his hands, looking him straight in the eyes.

'you're seriously asking me that?'

'hey, i'm just worried, baby. what happened after... i got hurt?'

'i ran onto the ice. security tried pulling me back, but i was too scared to notice. god, don't you ever do that to me again, ashton fletcher.' mikey warned, looking up at him with glassy eyes. ashton cooed at him

'i won't.' ashton hummed lightly, pressing his lips to mikey's forehead.

'you promise?'

ashton hummed, gently squeezing his sides. 'mhm. i promise, baby — cross my heart, and hope to die.'

and, of course, ashton got hurt again, and eventually michael made him stop playing, saying that he hated seeing him hurt. ashton didn't listen, of course.

because hey - no pain no gain, right?

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