Chapter 1 - Stranger

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Mooyeon's POV

"I'm not interested" I said calmly.

With that answer I left this guy who was still bowing at me.

You can tell that he was ossified.

I didn't even bother to count how many boys already have confessed to me this year.

Well, it's not like they really like me or have these kinds of feelings towards me. So one can't call it a confession. No one said it though, but I know that it became a trend among these boys to make these confessions on a dare since I rejected Jaesung, the most popular guy at my school.

"As long as they don't really like me at least it makes it easier for me to reject them."

"Oh my God Mooyeon! You are so coooooool!" Haeum said.

"I don't think that it's cool but if you do."

So, this is my best and only friend Haeum. Why I only have one friend? Because I don't see the necessity to have more than one. I didn't even want to have something to do with her at the beginning. But after some time it ended up the other way. Let's say I was a little bit moved by her. She is the daughter of a very rich family so there would have been plenty of other classmates who want to hang out with her. She didn't just choose me but she also accepts my attitude.

"What are you thinking, Mooyeon? Let's go!"

"Don't you think that there are other places where we can prepare for our project?"

"Sorry I should have known that my parents are going to invite some important guest to our house. Is there any problem going to yours?"

"I don't think you would feel comfortable. That's it."

"Come on I'm not such a fine lady who has to be served with English tea and such stuff."

I groaned since I was out of arguments. Sometimes I just hate how sunshine this girl is. But at the same time I also have to admit that this is one reason why she is really important to me.


We stood by my front door while I was searching for the keys.

"Hey Mooyeon."

"Hm?" Damn it where are they?!?

"Aren't your parents at home?"

"At this time my mother should be there."

"Then why don't you just ring the bell? The hell she doesn't even know that I'm coming!"

I shrugged my shoulders "As if she cares."

As soon as I opened the door I wished I have never done that. The smell of alcohol is that strong it could make you collapse. Just thinking about staying here for hours makes me wish I have never brought Haeum here but she insisted to. It will be a torture.

"I'm home!"

"You even dare to come home? Why don't you just piss off like your father did, huh? You are all such ungrateful pieces of shit!"

Goddamn this bullshit again.

"This piece of shit in front of you has to do something for school. The same piece of shit is also the one who works in this house in order to make a living, even if it's not her responsibility. Not to mention how you, my beloved mother, even finance all of your drugs. How about dressing up and do some body care to at least LOOK like human?"

"Tsk. Look who feels proud of herself. You think you're better than anyone? Guess what? You're not. You're a bastard just because of the fact that you're HIS daughter and there is nothing you could do against it. I don't even want to stay in the same room as you. I'm leaving."

"You're going to the club again? I don't mind but just don't bring any weird strangers home. Did you listen?"

That's when the door got shut.

"W...was that your mother?" Haeum asked nervously.

It's obvious that she is shocked.

"Yeah never mind. She is like this almost every day. I'm already used to it. I'm sorry but can I clean this mess up before we start?"

"Of course and I'll help you.


"Sorry that you had to help me cleaning the house"

"I'm glad that I could help you."

"Yeah but we didn't even start to do the project and it's already late."

"I guess we have to do it another day. My bodyguards are going to pick me up" ♧A/N: told ya Haeum is rich af

We bid goodbyes to each other and the only thing I wanted to do now was to take a shower because seriously... the smell of alcohol is just DISGUSTING! A/N: You get this joke?♧

After my warm shower, which felt like a resurrection, I headed to my room on the attic to grab my clothes.

As I opened the door I couldn't believe what I just saw.

A man, sitting on my window, was holding a frame in his hand while smiling to it. The moonlight was shining on his short, dark brown hair. He seemed to be very young but mature at the same time. He was wearing a black leather jacket, some black leather pants which complimented the jacket perfectly A/N: Well you guys should know what I meanand black boots.

I would like to go on with the description but I just can't see his face due to the black fedora hat he was wearing.

"What the hell...?"

To sum up how this situation looks like: I just finished shower, wanted to chill the rest of the evening in my room and a stranger is sitting on my window - Yes you got it right - ON my window. He's is chilling his damn blessed life ON MY FCKN WINDOW - to surprise me while I'm still half naked.......

I felt like struck by lightning when I realized.


"Aaaaaaahhh!!! Don't you dare look at me! Why are you even in my room? Who the heck are you anyways???"

"Shhh" He held a finger on his lips, signaling me to lower my voice. No I'll not mister, I'll call the police! I still couldn't see his face because of the hat but there is no doubt that he was smirking.

"Wha-" I couldn't even say a word until he jumped from the window.

"Wait this is the third floor!!!" I rushed to my window on which he sat some seconds ago just to realize that he was gone.

Am I seeing things?

I took a glance on the frame he was holding just to remember that it was a photo of me when I was still 5 years old.

♡"Who are you?"♡

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