Chapter 84 - Killing

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Taehyung's POV

I knocked Mooyeon out after realizing that she was hallucinating the baby being somewhere calling for her.

I caught her unconscious body and laid her on her bed, admiring her peaceful face.

"Taehyung, let's talk somewhere and let her sleep for a while." Jungkook suggested and I agreed.

"But I would like to feed her the medicine first." I said and stayed with her in the room for a while.

"Don't worry, Mooyeon. No matter whether our child is alive or not, I will let Vincent pay for that." I promised to her and pecked her on the forehead.

I left the room after a half eternity and searched for Jungkook and Gaee and found them in the garden sitting on some big rocks.

I also sat on one of the rocks and heaved a long sigh.

"How is she?" Gaee asked.

"Still sleeping. I want to give her this rest, she really needed that." I said.

"I'm wondering how things would be if she never came to our world, if she never travelled through time. She would never have met Vincent, JeonHa, us and... she would never have met you. Would she maybe be happier than now, without all that misery?" Jungkook asked himself.

"I know what you feel, Jungkook. You pity her, but I'm heartbroken, I'm going crazy right now." I palmed my face.

"I don't know how it will end if she keeps on thinking that the baby is alive. I mean today, she was going to search for the baby after hallucinating it crying but what will happen tomorrow? The day after? She will put her life in danger." Jungkook noted.

"She indeed said that she heard the baby crying before. But..." I hesitated, thinking whether I should think that way or not. "I also have the feeling that I heard it. Just a feeling, even though I knew that there's no way that it could have been the case. I mean, you heard nothing. But it's something only the parents would feel. The whole thing is just too strange not to think about it."

"I also think that everything that the SanPa told us was strange." Gaee added, gaining my attention. "She said that the baby was already dead when it came out from the mother's body, but Mooyeon is very sure that she heard the baby crying before she passed out. The SanPa also said that at the time when Vincent arrived in the room, the baby's face already turned dark purple. If the baby really died right after it was born, the doctor would inform the maid and she would inform Vincent. How long does it take for him to arrive at Mooyeon's room? One joss stick? Two joss sticks should be enough right? How could the face already be dark purple then?"

"Normally, dead people need half a day until the face loses its color and then turns into a dark one." Jungkook explained.

I looked at them and rushed to their sides. "You also think that my child is alive?" I widened my eyes.

"Taehyung, we aren't sure either and honestly, I don't want you to think that. Too much hope would only confuse you and we have to be very careful right now. I have the strong feeling that something very powerful is around us at the moment. It tightens its grip slowly... slowly until we are trapped into it. Your existence in this house is already dangerous enough and I can't do anything since I can always be watched by some spies." Jungkook explained and didn't even look at me.

"But I can't just sit here and do nothing! I have to know what's going on!" I let myself fall.

"I've already tried to ask the maids who were serving Mooyeon that time but they all told me the same. I thought I could use my charm against that perverted Doctor again but I couldn't find him so far. It is like he never worked here." Gaee told us and I suddenly remembered something.

"Where has Hyangin been all the time?" I asked and their eyes grew wide.

"You're right, Lee Hyangin must know everything. And she's on our side, she will definitely tell us the truth!" Jungkook concluded and in an instant, I could see hope.

Hyangin's POV

The baby was crying nonstop and I tried to calm him down but it was no use. How much I tried to dandle it, hush it, pat it, it won't stop screaming.

"Can't you just do something against the screaming? Do you want the whole house to know that the baby is here?" Heechul complained.

"I'm sorry, Master. Maybe it's because he's a preemie. It must be a little sensitive." I tried to explain.

"Aish... Just do anything!" he blocked his ears. "Maybe it's hungry. Try to feed it."

"Master... I..." I hesitated.

"I know you can. Just do it." he ordered and left to be far away from the noise.

How does he know that I had been pregnant before? But that was something I never wanted to remember.

I couldn't do anything but to obey and started to breast feed the baby.

After a while the baby finally calmed down and fell asleep.

Heechul came back, satisfied that the baby stopped crying and looked at it.

"He's really cute, don't you think?" he asked me.

"I..." I was searching for the right words until he broke me up.

"Kill it."

"What?" I was shocked by that order.

"I said, kill it. I can't stand this thing crying for a second time. I was planning to play with Kim Taehyung a litte bit with the child alive but changed my mind. Bring it somewhere and slaughter it without the Earl knowing it. Do it cleanly and give the corpse to me later. I still want to do things with the dead baby." he instructed.

"What do you plan to do with the dead body?" I asked in shock.

"I don't know it exactly yet. Maybe chopping it up into pieces and give them to Mooyeon one by one, separate all the blood from the body to make Mooyeon drink it... or I will cut out the skin and write a nice letter on it to send it to Taehyung. I don't know, it depends on my mood." he smiled and left, not letting me have any objections.

I watched the sleeping child in my arms, thinking whether I should do it or not.

I was afraid to even imagine the things he told me.

Heechul was right though, his real child being presented to him dead would be enough to make him suffer for the rest of his life. Mooyeon also wouldn't hesitate to end her life if she sees that.

But, am I able to kill a 2nd person?

"Heechul would kill me if I don't do it." I murmured.

"Besides, it is the son of Mooyeon. It doesn't deserve to be alive. It's birth was a mistake at the first place!"

"Even though you are Taehyung's child. I can't let you live in this world."


I carried the baby to the river, planning to drown it in there.

I made sure that no one followed me and sat down on the grass.

"Little child, don't blame me for this. It's not your fault. If you want to haunt someone after your death then go and search for your mother. She shouldn't have given birth to you. You're a bastard and you don't derserve to live in this world."

I stood up and raised the child, ready to throw it into the flowing water until I felt a cold metal on my right shoulder.

"Place the child down and turn around."

I looked at the sword and saw the initial engraved on it.

♡Earl Magot?!♡

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