Chapter 16 - Kidnap

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Taehyung's POV

'We will never be able to start a family' What Jimin said kept replaying in my mind.

Never... never...

'Do you have feelings for me?'

Of course I do. I also feel that you like me. But I can't see a future for us. The kiss... I do regret it but at the same time I don't.

She's the first woman who ever made me be like this. I can't eat without thinking about her. I can't practice without thinking about her. I can't even sleep without thinking about her. Holding her in my arms I also get the feeling that I'm important to someone. Is this what love feels like?

Things can't go on like this. I have to tell her what I feel. But at the same time I must make clear that we should both forget our love to each other and move on. I can't give her happiness since I will work for JeonHa until the end of my life.

I set out for Mooyeon's room.

Before I lose the courage I should do it as soon as possible.

I reached her building but to my surprise the door was wide open and her maids were lying on the ground.

I entered her room immediately to check but she was nowhere to seen.

Nervously, I went outside and put my finger on the throat of one of the lying maids.

No pulse...

"MOOYEON!!! Is your smartphone alive now?" I heard Jungkook coming.

I saw him about to enter and before he could do so I grabbed his collar tightly.

"What happened? What happened with Mooyeon? She isn't in her room. WHERE IS SHE?! How could you leave her alone after she just almost got killed?" I shouted in anger.

"What's going on? I... Hyung I..." Jungkook stuttered digesting the information he just got.

I should calm myself down. It's not the time to freak out.

"Sorry Jungkook." I said letting him go. "Mooyeon must got kidnapped."

"She got what?! Then what are we still doing here? We have to find her!"

Jungkook also started to panic.

"It's not that easy. Call the others first. We need to discuss it first.


"Poor Mooyeon. It's our fault that we dragged her into our business." Hoseok said sighing.

"We can say for sure that the kidnappers are TaeHoo MaMa's people. But like last time we don't have any proves." Yoongi stated.

"Our biggest problem now is that Mooyeon would most probably reveal the things we know." Jimin said.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked fumbling with Mooyeon's smartphone.

"He means" Namjoon started entering the room. "If they torture her and she is forced to tell them what happens in the future - especially that JeonHa will take Mokjong's place this year. TaeHoo MaMa wouldn't hesitate to kill JeonHa no matter what."

"And for Taehyung..." her voice suddenly caught our attention.

"MOOYEON!" I turned to where the voice came from.

We soon realized that it was Jungkook who did something on Mooyeon's strange device.

"... well he's a douchebag like I always call him. He's harsh. He's arrogant. He's dumb. But he's also the person who cares for me. He would never let me be in danger. He is the one at the front while I'm behind getting protected by him. He even has moments where he gets shy. Moments where he gets nervous. Moments which show that he's also human. I wonder what it would be like if he was born in my world. In a world without a monarch or any struggles for power. A world without having to dedicate your life to someone else. A world where two people who like each other could express their feelings openly. If I met him in my 1000 years later... do I have a chance with him? I really fell in love with him didn't I?"

Everyone was looking at me at the moment. I tried to avoid their gaze because it was really embarrassing for me to be confronted with this issue at that moment.

After that we also heard how Heechul talked to her and how he kidnapped her.

It was as if it happened exactly before my eyes.

It was painful to hear and it made me be in pure anger holding my sword tighter than ever.

"Taehyung..." Namjoon hold my shoulder comforting me.

I knew that he was going to say something I didn't want to hear.

"... I'm sorry but Gangjo and JeonHa decided that we should kill her if she really told them something."

"I expected that."

"Do you think you will be able to do that when the time comes?" Jimin asked me.

I thought for a while...

"I don't know..."

TaeHoo's POV

"YOU DID WHAT?!?" I shouted not believing what he just told me.

"I kidnapped the girl and she is now locked in the basement." he repeated.

I stepped away from my seat to give him a hard kick.

"You're useless! You're silly! Didn't I say that you should convince her to our side?! You call kidnapping a way of convincing? I've been too gracious to you haven't I?" I grumbled with one kick per sentence.

Heechul didn't even try to fight back. Towards me he still has to show obedience even if he's my right hand.

"Please forgive MaMa" he said calmly.

"You still know that I'm your MaMa? You have guts now Heechul. I should already have let you be executed last time you ignored my order. Now give me a good explanation if you want to live."

"Kidnapping Mooyeon was part of the plan to finish the TaeJa finally. Without the prophet the lords have no more reason to follow him." he explained.

"Interesting. Continue." I ordered.

"They will do anything to find the girl. They know of course that we are behind this. But without proof they don't dare to confront us to come across with the girl. They would do it secretly and then we could blame them for trespassing. Meanwhile we could force her to tell us everything. What all this prophet thing is about and if she really can prophesy the future, what the future looks like."

I thought for a moment and I can't see any problems with his plan.

No one would dare to search through my palace. And I always wanted to know what this girl is hiding.

My serious face changed into a smile and I helped Heechul to get up.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Do you like to be beaten?" I asked caressing his shoulder.

"I didn't tell MaMa about the plan and handled for myself. I should be punished."

"You're becoming more and more similar to a dog Heechul. Biting dogs don't bark. I hope you're a dog that makes his owner proud. Any mistakes and this beautiful head of yours would fall to the ground. I wouldn't care about our relationship then." I warned hoping that he would grow some memory.

♡"I won't disappoint you."♡

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