Chapter 94 - Secret

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♧A/N: That teaser!!!!!!!♧

Mooyeon's POV

Seokjin has been permanently forcing me to drink his medicine these days. The taste wasn't really good so I would always beg him not letting me to drink it but he said that it was important for my health.

Taehyung would always beg me desperately and I had no choice but to do as they said.

But this time, I was trying to be stubborn.

"Please, Mooyeon. You have to drink it." Taehyung said with a weak voice, the spoon in his hands.

"I don't want to, Taehyung. I'm alright. You're going to make me sick soon if I keep on drinking these. This medicine always make me feel weak, I don't want that anymore." I rejected with a disgusted grimace.

"It's just part of the effects, believe in Seokjin. I even let go of all my pride and feed you, just do it for me. Please."

"I really don't want to drink that stuff anymore. Why are you even forcing me to do that when I'm healthy?" I complained.

Suddenly, he kneeled down in front of me.

"Taehyung! The Hell are you doing? Stand up!" I yelled at him.

"I won't stand up if you don't do it." he said determined.

"You are a man, how could you do that in front of others? Just stand up!" I grabbed his arm and tried to lift him up but he yanked my hands off.

"Taehyung, stop messing around and do what she said." Seokjin supported me from beside me.

"Unless she's drinking the medicine, otherwise I would stay like this forever."

What's his problem all of the sudden? Why is he being like this?

He doesn't let me see my son, he basically locks me up in our room, never letting me go outside and he forces me to drink a medicine even though I was more than healthy.

I sighed in annoyance. "Alright! I'll drink it."

I snatched the bowl and emptied the content in one gulp. Taehyung watched me drinking the stuff in full concentration as if he was afraid that I would leave over one drop.

"Are you now content?" I scoffed, showing him the empty bowl. "Now stand up!"

He didn't need me to say it twice and stood up immediately.

"Seriously, are you a child?" I asked annoyed.

"Sorry, Mooyeon. But I just want you to be healthy." he held my shoulder from behind to apologize.

I couldn't be mad at him and that was also a thing that made me even angrier.

"Are you mad?" he rested his head on my shoulder and I shrugged him off.

"You aren't mad at me are you?" I could literally see his smirk besides me.

"Piss off!" I tried to sound mean but failed dramatically.

"You're a bad actor, Mooyeon." he laughed and hugged me.

"What's wrong with you recently, Taehyung?" I asked but was interrupted by a long yawn.

"You're tired?" he moved himself in front of me and looked at me and I nodded.

It must have been the side effects of the medicine again. I was feeling weaker and weaker and decided to lay down.

"Just rest a little bit. I and Seokjin will leave you alone, alright?" he caressed my face and I just nodded.

Taehyung's POV

The medicine began to work quickly and I carried her to her bed so she could feel comfortable.

"Just rest a little bit. I and Seokjin will leave you alone, alright?" I asked her and placed the blanket on her body.

She nodded and I pushed Seokjin out of the room.

"Hyung, how long does it still take until she's completely healed?" I whisper-shouted at him as soon as I closed the door.

"I'm not that sure, though. I was expecting the effects of ChoiHon to be gone by now. Maybe another few rounds and she'll remember everything." Seokjin explained.

"Hurry up. I even saw it with my own eyes. The frequency of her vanishing is increasing more and more and I think the medicine makes this even worse. Every time I witness this I would panick and shake her until she wakes up again." I complained nervously.

"Don't worry. I will heal her as long as she's still here. But Taehyung, are you sure that you will be able to take this? There's a possibility that she'll never come back."

Hearing that always breaks my heart in pieces. My Hyungs have been asking me that more than once by now. I really didn't know how I should live on without her in my life anymore.

"What should I do if Heaven decides to take her away from me?" I asked back.

Seokjin's POV

"What should I do if Heaven decides to take her away from me?" he asked me and sat down on the stairs.

"I was given the chance to be with her but I didn't take it well. Maybe I deserved that. It's my punishment and I'll have to bear with it for the rest of my life. I...I just feel sorry for our son. He has to grow up without his mother." he spoke but it wasn't directed to me. It was more like he was talking to himself.

"Taehyung, you did enough for her. Even if you turn back the time, there would be nothing you could do to change anything." I tried to comfort him.

He remained silent, knowing that I was right.

Seeing him like this was a real challenge for me. It must have been really hard to see the love of his life vanishing little by little at night when she sleeps. I knew that after Mooyeon completely disappears that he would be in pain forever.

"Taehyung..." I called.

"Hm?" he reacted but he was maybe already too tired of my presence.

"What if... I mean hypothetically... if you would be able to go to her world?" I carefully asked him.

He turned his head backwards to look at me, showing that my question caught his interest but he soon turned back.

"Don't make these hypotheses, Hyung. It just makes me having more wishes." he murmured.

"Just say it this time. Would you go to her world? Even if the consequences would be enormous?"

"If there's really a way..." he began. "I would be ready to lose everything."

"Also if the way would be painful?"

"Even if I would see her for only one second I would be willing to bear the biggest pain ever."

"You..." I widened my eyes about his determination. I couldn't believe that his love for Mooyeon could be that strong.

Should I tell him? I could already tell what would happen if I do tell him. Can I let him do that? I and the others tried to tell him more than one time but we've always been interrupted when we were about to get to the point. Maybe Heaven didn't want to let him know. Besides, only because Wang Gaee heard it from that Doctor doesn't mean that it's the truth.

"Why did you ask me that?" Taehyung asked and ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Just... because I'm curious. It's amazing how much you love Mooyeon." I answered.

"Well then, I'm going to write a letter to Jungkook and Jimin. They should bring my son so Mooyeon could at least see him once before she leaves." he stood up.

"Aright, alright. Then, I will prepare the medicine for today evening." I smiled and went off so I could avoid his irritated stare.

♡It surely won't be healthy for Taehyung to let him know it.♡

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