Chapter 62 - JangHwa

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A/N: Happy Namjoon-Day♧

Mooyeon's POV

I walked my way through the forest where Seokjin told me that he and his men would be.

I could see the smoke from far away, signalling that there were a lot of people.

Finally arriving at the tents, I slowly approached the soldiers who were on guard with my head low.

"Stand still!" one of them ordered harshly. "Who are you and what are you doing here? Show us your face!"

I lifted up my head and both of them were surprised to see me.

"Lady Mooyeon!" they kneeled down. "Forgive our language. We didn't expect you to arrive."

I could tell by how they exchanged looks that they were unsure how to deal with my presence.

On the one hand they have to capture me and follow JeonHa's order but on the other hand they knew that I was a good friend of their JangGun.

"You may stand up. I'm not in the position to accept your formalities anymore." I gently said. "Please, would you bring me to the DaeJangs?"

They did as I asked and on our way to the tents I saw the surprised expression of all the soldiers I passed by.

'What was she doing here?' 'Don't she know how dangerous it is?' 'Where is Taehyung-DaeJang?' 'Why isn't she with him?'

I could tell what questions they had. I smiled weakly towards them and earned a respectful bow from each of them.

"DaeJang, We are bringing Lady Mooyeon." the guard reported.

"Come in!" I heard a voice call and I could tell that that voice belonged to Hoseok.

I entered the tent and saw all my friends, Jungkook approaching me to give me a tight hug.

"Mooyeon! Why did you come? Are you silly?" he cried and I just chuckled a little bit.

"It's okay, Jungkook. Calm down." I comforted him.

"Mooyeon, I hope you'll forgive us. We really never wanted anything like this to happen." Yoongi apologized.

"I don't blame you, really. Seeing all the soldiers outside my decision even became more determined. They all have a family and I can't let JeonHa punish them because of me." I said.

"Guys, we should go before Taehyung catches up." Seokjin suddenly said.


We've been travelling for 3 days now and I could already see KaeSong some miles away.

I didn't got treated like a normal captive should but more like an important guest. I stopped counting how often I looked back to see whether Taehyung was behind us or not.

Even if it was impossible I still hoped to see him one more time. Is that selfish from me?

We finally arrived the palace I left one year ago. It was my home at first but now it was nothing but a prison.

The soldiers supported me to get off the gama and soon I was greeted by JeonHa.

"Mooyeon! I'm glad to see you! You guys really did a nice job." he happily said.

I kept silent and didn't look at his face. I even skipped the formality to greet him since I don't have any respect towards him anymore.

"Mooyeon, greet JeonHa! Hurry up!" I heard Namjoon whisper from my side.

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