Chapter 37 - It's All A Game

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A/N: GongJu - Princess

Princess Hyeonju's POV

I couldn't believe that my husband is doing that to me! How dares he?

I began to throw things around, not caring if I'm making trouble for my servants. They tried their best to calm me down but afterall they also didn't dare to come near me. They would know the consequences if they try to get on my nerves.

"You! Stop wandering around and bring me this girl! I'm going to let her face be cut! Let's see whether Hoseok would still like her then or not!" I growled, crashing an expensive vase on the floor.

"GongJu! I'm afraid that it won't solve the problem. Hoseok-DaeJang is really angry at the moment. If you harm this young girl now I think your relationship with him will turn even worse." One of my maids said.

"Then... then... I don't care! What about my luggages? Is everything on the gama? A/N: I already told you what a gama is in Chapter 3There's no way I'm letting them go with this girl but without me!"

At this moment one of my other maids came to the room reporting that a servant just arrived to send me a message.

I let them call him into my room so he could tell me the reaction Hoseok just had.

"So, what did he say?" I asked impatiently, letting him skip the formal greeting.

"Hoseok-DaeJang said there is no way he would let a woman like GongJu come with him no matter what" The servant answered quickly like Hoseok already terrified him.

"What did you say?" I asked him with my death glares. But soon I noticed that I shouldn't be so mean towards a servant. "OK, I understood. Tell me what his reaction looked like. His attitude, his tone, did he say anything else?"

"The DaeJang reacted really extreme, saying some stuffs like he does like lollipops more than strawberry cakes. And if GongJu keeps on acting on her own he's going to divorce strawberry cake." He answered seriously.

What? What lollipop and strawberry cake? Where does he get the mood to think about desert at this moment?

Soon after that Hoseok came in and ordered all servants to clean up the mess I made and to carry my luggages back into my room.

I was tired of him so I just ignored everything. Besides, seeing him not talking to me I decided otherwise so I'm going to stay in the palace and not to follow him. I needed some time for myself.

Third Person's POV

The two young men sat across from each other, the Go board between them.

"So how do you like your stay here?" The one with the black stones asked while placing one on the board.

The player with white stones was next. "There are so many variations in this game. You're not playing fair, my friend." He placed his stone on another spot on the board.

Only two turns passed by then so it was impossible to predict whether black or white would win.

"But still, one game has its own rules only. Even if there are many ways to play, we could never change the rules setted for our round." The player with the black stones explained. "Like there are many ways to rule a country, but there can be only one way for one specific country. Therefore, I would be the one choosing the rules of the game here."

"Indeed, indeed, you're right." The other one agreed with a chuckle. "Getting quite serious here, aren't we? I should concentrate and play with my best then."


The board was getting filled slowly and both players weren't thinking of showing any weakness in their technique.

"Could you explain what meaning it has to pass so many turns? You aren't attacking. If you keep playing like this I'm going to win soon." The white player asked curisouly while placing the 49th stone on the board.

"Oh friend, you have to learn to pass in so many ways. You know how I gained this position? One word. It's 'bearing'. The more you could bear the more succesful you could become. Without passing turns I wouldn't be able to set this move." The black player ended the game with his final turn which blocked every move his opponent could play and almost every white stone were taken out from the board, signifiying that the black player won.

The beginner of this game analyzed the setting of the stones, trying to figure out how he lost this game. Soon he realized and facepalmed himself.

"Guess I still need some practice. You are incredible in this game!" the white player admitted his lost.

"It's just about stragedy. I need that every day whenever I face people. But let's not talk about Go anymore. Are you satisfied with the result of today's meeting?"

"I was, of course. You handled it well,... JeonHa."

"So, Earl Magot... about our deal..."

Earl Vincent Magot looked at King Hyeonjong for a while, smiling at the impatience of his client.

"Not yet. After I get what I want I will be glad to hand you the item." Vincent smirked, thinking that he's taking more steps further to his goal.

"Then at least let me see it for one glance. I think that's the minimum you could do after what I've done today." Hyeonjong demanded with a serious expression, not asking his guest anymore.

Vincent agreed to do his client a favor since he still needed the help of this man. Therefore he picked a tiny box from his jacket and placed it on the Go board.

"This thing is really rare and only 8 of them could be produced. My country let it be done in the underground before the fabric caught fire so it's a big secret. There's no one on this earth still knowing that I hid all of them from the fire." Vincent explained to hold on Hyeonjong's interest.

Vincent opened the box and it was hard to say the content exactly. It looked like a dark magenta-red jewel, which glowed under the sunlight.

King Hyeonjong looked at the jewel with such eagerness, his eyes almost fell from his face until Vincent closed the box again.

Hyeonjong faked a cough to distract from his embarassing behaviour.

"It' obvious that you set the fire yourself. And it really works?" the King asked, scrutinizing the power the item assumed to hide.

"Of course it does. We tried it many times, you have to know. Let me tell you, JeonHa. On my stay in DaSong, the Emperor also had interest in it. All emperors in history searched for a way to produce this. I would be dead if he finds out that I have all the reamining pieces in my hands. But let me tell you: He would have never been able to pay the prize I claimed."

"I don't understand the meaning behind your prize, though. You could ask for money, for gold, jewels. I would have more than the Emperor of the Song Dynaaty could offer. Why this one?" This question made the Earl laugh to himself.

No one could ever imagine the intention Vincent kept secret. This intention has nothing to do with power or wealth. It was something personal.

Vincent's respond didn't answer the King's question the slightest bit. It just made him more confused.

"Because of love."

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