Chapter 73 - 2 Poems

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♧A/N: So this one isn't really a chapter, I just want to explain the 2 poems I used in the last chapter because I thought that it's quite important to understand them.♧


Mooyeon and the mute guard both wrote a love poem (I guess all of you noticed that ^^') , expressing their love and longing to the one they love.

Mooyeon's Poem◇:



Here, I must say that I don't really support the idea to translate poems into other languages but it was just necessary in order for you to understand it. I just really love the art behind Chinese poems and I mean, it was common in the Goryeo era to study poems from the Tang Dynasty. Just watch the 5th episode of Moon Lovers. The poem Wang Wook wrote for HaeSoo was also a Tang poem written by Liu YuXi called 'Song of Bamboo Twigs'.

So as I said, I kinda tried to find a translation that made sense and had also a rhyme scheme at the same time. But you have to know that this doesn't have to be the perfect solution.

Clouds float like works of art.
Stars shoot with grief at heart.
Across the Silver River the Cowherd meets the Maid
When Autumn's Golden wind embraces Dew of Jades,
All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade.

Their tender love flows like a stream.
This happy date seems but a dream.
Can they bear a separate homeward way?
If love between both sides can last for aye,
Why need they stay together night and day?

To understand this poem you have to know that it is about the fairytale 'The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd'. The Weaver Girl is a fairy and when she met the Cowherd they fell in love with each other and started a family with their own pair of twins. But their love was forbidden, so the Queen of Heaven (or however I should translate that?) banished them to the opposite sides of the Silver River. Silver River in our language would be the Milky way ^^'. Then, the Queen was still kind or cruel (?) enough to let magpies form a bridge between both sides to reunite the two for one day every year. This day is also known as the Chilseok festival in Korea, which is basically our Asian Valentines Day.

The Weaver Girl is a very talented and skillful fairy. So here we have the first sentence:

"纖雲弄巧 (Clouds float like works of art)" describes the beauty the fairy creates because her job is to weave the clouds.

"飛星傳恨 (Stars shoot with grief at heart)" means the shooting stars which swiftly runs across the night sky, as if it is the messenger of the two, telling them about their yearning every year.

"銀漢迢迢暗度 (Across the Silver River the Cowherd meets the Maid)": The maid is obviously the Weaver Girl, I just hadn't a better word to keep the rhyme scheme. So here, the day finally came and the magpies built the bridge for them to meet each other.

And the next 2 verses "金風玉露一相逢 便勝卻人間無數 (When Autumn's Golden wind embraces Dew of Jades, All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade.)" shows that even if their meeting at the day in autumn is that short, it still exceeds the love of any other couple. Because their love is pure and beautiful and strong, so even if their time being together is short, it still surpasses the normal relationships we find on earth.

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