5- Carly

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I sat for what felt like hours, my fingers tips brushing over my lips. That's all it was like to kiss? There weren't fireworks but only horrific knots in my stomach. I admit, kissing him felt right. But, he was my brothers best friend that's not a road I would like too explore. I got out of bed, sliding off my clothes from yesterday and putting on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black crop top. Brushing out my hair, letting my natural wave flow down my back. Not bothering to apply makeup. As I was packing up my stuff Nash came in too tell me it was time to go. Following behind him, he pointed me to the black SUV with a Cameron sitting in the driver seat.

"I am going with Carter, Shaun, and Hayes. Is it cool if you go with Cam, Johnson, and jack?" Nash nudged me giving a slight wink with jacks name.

"Yah, It's good" I gave a forced smile, realizing I would be sitting beside Cameron.

"Okay, I will see you soon Cali," Nash wrapped his arms around me kissing my cheek slightly. Before jumping into the other black SUV.

Taking a few breath in, I prepared for a long drive with Cam. I honestly don't understand why he hates me so much.

"Welcome back, princess," Jack chimed up as I sat down in the passenger sit.

"Royalty my ass," Cameron breathed under his breath.

"Oh. Joy the asshole is exceptionally moody today. How fucking great," I hissed, leaning back into my seat staring out the car window.

I could feel his icy stare piercing my neck, but it wasn't worth look over. We would probably just get into a screaming match, and I don't want the boys too be uncomfortable. Pulling my purse into my lap, I grabbed my head phones. Placing each bud in one ear, pressing play on my music Tyler Josephs voice ringing in my ear, calming me as I watched the beautiful scenery glide passed the moving vehicle.

I remember his hand reaching through the seat and just holding my side, before all I could see was the back of my eyelids.

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