22- Carly

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"Princess?" Jack's voice echoed through the hotel room.

"Shit," I whispered, rushing nervously.

Slipping my white vans on over my small feet, grabbing my black over the shoulder purse that contained my phone and money and walked into the big open living room.

"Here," I spoke softly, looking down at the floor.

"Ready too go?" He asked rummaging through a bag of stuff.

"Yes," I said quickly, fiddling with my fingers.

I starred up at him, his back muscles bursting through the dark blue t-shirt he was wearing. Even when he wasn't facing me I couldn't get enough of him, his figure was literal perfection. He turned around holding something in his hands. His eyes wander over my body slowly, giving me another one of his seductive stares.

"You look gorgeous," he whispered, walking closer. His hands tucked neatly behind his back.

"What are you hiding Gilinsky?" I questioned, raising a brow.

"Just a gift for this really cute girl," Jack smirked slyly.

"Oh?" I asked sadness taking over, completely dumbfounded the girl was me.

"It's you princess," he spoke softly, moving his hands out in front of him. A bag of orange skittles sitting in his hands.

"My favorite!" I squealed excitedly, reaching out towards the yummy orange sweetness.

"I know," he spoke with confidence.

"How?" I asked quickly, popping a few into my mouth and savoring the flavor.

"Cameron told me last time he was on tour with us, and it kind of stuck. Anyways ready too go?" He asked extending his hand out too mine.

"Ya," I mumbled out, trapped in my thoughts.

Cameron really remembered what my favorite was, I never really stopped to think that he remember much about me at all. Was it Cam all these years, that had been sneaking small bags of orange candies in to my locker every few weeks as I was growing up in school? I had just genuinely thought it was Scott. Man this boy was giving me some serious wipe lash. You know what screw him. I am not going to let him ruin my first date.

"Where are we going?" I asked, holding jacks hand in mine.

"It's a surprise," Jack smiled widely, swinging our hands back and forth as we walked.

We walked for a few minutes down the busy streets of Dallas, our hands linked together. The sky grew dark and beautiful lights began to light up everywhere. Stopping at an ice cream shop, we both ordered a chocolate ice cream cone with lots of sprinkles. Then began walking again, our tongues licking away at the cold frosty goodness. We stopped in front of a large brick building with lots of glass windows. A large sign in front of the building reading 'Dallas world Aquarium' in black bold letters. I have always wanted too go to a large aquarium and you'd think it would be perfect going on your first date. But I couldn't get Cameron out of my head. It just feels like this is the date me and him should be on...

"Princess?" Jack questioned waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yes?" I asked forcing a large smile.

"You ready too go? You kind of spaced out," He chuckled, pulling me with him through the large doors.

"2 tickets," he said too the women working at the till.

"That will be 24 dollars," her peppy voice echoed in the enormous marble room.

"Thanks," We both said in unison.

He took my hand again leading me down a long corridor, that opened into thousands of different tanks. All of the fish seemed to dance with the blue waves and lights. A mermaid swam slowly around one of the tanks, a light green shade tail around her legs and a long red hair. It was amazing, flounder fish swimming all around her. Even though their was an oxygen tank strapped too her back. It made it none the less beautiful. A smile spread across my face, and I walked loser too the glass staring at all the different breeds of fish in amazement. The tank on the opposite side, had beautiful sharks swimming gracefully around schools of fish. The blue water taking over everything in my mind. We walked further down, entering a tunnel made of glass and turtles and fish swam above us. Exiting the tunnel was different areas, lined with tree wood to look more like a natural habit.One was holding some manatees swimming in a large jungle themed tank, the rest were filled with different types. Swimming and floating everywhere. The plant life and fish also smelt amazing. A lot of people would say it smelt bad, but the minerals and the water smelt amazing together. It smelt like a natural habitat and I somehow found peace in that. The fish all swam in such clarity not having a care in the world. I wish I could just be a fish, floating around happily.

"Like it?" Jack asked, leaning against one of the metal poles.

"I loved it," I whispered, my eyes still huge with excitement.

"You are so beautiful," he coed stepping forward, brushing my stray hairs out of my face.

Heat rushed into my cheeks, and I looked away nervously. His fingers slid under my chin, and pulled my face inches away from his.

"I mean it," he whispered, planting his lips on mine.

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