32- Cameron

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"I can't get enough of you," I breathed out, inching my face closer too hers.

I know it's wrong but after last night. I can't stop craving her lips, the way she tasted and smelled stilled lingered on my body. And like a crack fiend I needed my fix and I needed it right now or I was going to go crazy. I grabbed her wrists gently pulling them over her head. Pinning them against the cold concrete wall. She gasped looking her eyes looking into mine. Her eyes melted every part of me, like looking into a cloudless sky. I could feel my body begging to be closer too her, wanting to feel closer to her in ever way possible. Taking another step forward I pressed our bodies together, the thin fabric still being enough to make it still feel unbearable. I wanted it all gone. I wanted too feel her skin on mine. My bony fingers ran up the outer part of her thigh, gliding her tight black dress up with it. I leaned down pressing my lips too her neck, my body shook with pleasure thinking of all the nasty things I could do too her. The palm of my hand firmly rested against her hip bone and my long fingers wrapped around her side pressing into her lower back. My other hand still holding her arms above her against the wall. Pulling my head up too look up at her, she starred her eyes filled with wrongful desire. Man this was so wrong she is dating my best friend.

"Carly," I sighed out, resting my head on her shoulder, "This isn't a good idea is it?"

"Not really," she panted out, ecstasy still rushing through her body.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, releasing her hands.

"I want it Cameron," She breathed out rubbing at her wrists, "But I may be a horrible person, but not that horrible too want to hurt Jack in this way."

"What I would give for you too not be my best friends sister," I sighed out, running my fingers through my hair.

"How does that effect us?" She growled angrily.

"It effects everything Carly. It changes absolutely everything," I breath out, my legs seemed to give in and I fell sitting down on the carpeted stairs.

"Why are you so afraid of change?" She hissed out.

"You don't understand!"

"But I can understand. I am not twelve anymore Cameron," She grumbled lowly.

"I can't lose you or your family Carly. It is the only family I have ever known. You didn't really think I spent months at your place for the fun of it. No, I couldn't go home Carly. I've never had a family like yours," I shouted at her, tears welling in both of our eyes.

"I'm sorry," she breathed out defeatly.

"You didn't know. I never wanted you too know," I sighed, the memories of all those nights coming back.

"It makes sense now," she paused brushing her bangs out of her face, "The possibility of us not working would ruin our friendship and you and my brothers friendship. I need to go."

She wiped away a few mascara stained tears from her eyes, before walking away her arms clutching her stomach tightly. She gasped sucking back in the sobs that wanted to be released. Leaving me sitting in the stairwell, regretting everything I had just done.

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