43- Cameron

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I stared out the window, looking down at the mess of greens blurred together. Wasn't it strange that when you sat in a vehicle you didn't feel the same g-forces that were actually going on? But yet when you look out the window everything on the ground blurred and moved so fast, but the sky it was ever lasting. It's like all the wrong things in your life, people spend so much time dwelling on them even when they are just a fast moving blur. Shit happens, and there is nothing you can do too stop it, but look the other direction and think of the things that do have true meaning to you and are forever. Like my feelings for Carly? Those are forever. And something that help me get through a lot of the bad shit in my life. And the best part was now with us being freinds, she was always near now when I needed her.


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When are you going to be home. -Mom

And some of us weren't the lucky ones. Carly had everything she could ever want, but me I was just a lucky boy born with a good facial structure and the ability to be something I am not out on that stage. My family didn't start out that way, we used to be happy too. Me and my sister Sierra always had the times of our lives running around and having our parents always so happy and full of love. Then eventually everything led to another and my father was standing over my bed calling me a worthless piece of shit. And when I had woke up the morning he was gone and my mom unresponsive in the bathroom, a bottle of rum beside her and pills spread out everywhere. Wasn't something an eight year old kid can forget, the image of her trying to take her life still on the back of my eyelids everyday. I feared falling asleep, scared he would be there again hovering over me shouting words that stuck like poison in my veins, defining someone I didn't want to be.

"You okay," Nash asked, his eyes still staring at the freshly paved highway.

"I'll be fine," I looked over at him giving him a reassuring smile, "I always am."

"If this is about going home. You can stay with me," He whispered lowly, almost as if he could read my mind.

I loved my mother and sister still don't get me wrong, but every time I went back to that place it brought back a lot of horrible memories with it. My mother was never the same after that night, the heartbreak destroyed her... Carly had that power to destroy me in that way, and as much as I loved her with every bone in my body. The fear that she would stop loving me if we were ever could destroy me in a way that no one could ever pick up those pieces. Carly was my kryptonite: the things I wanted most in this world but also the thing I would never have the luxury of knowing.

A/n- Short chapter cause it's mah birthday! Gosh Cameron is soo cute, and what better than a cute boy with a sad back story. I am in tears.

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