45- Jack Gilinsky

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"Baby. You have nothing to worry about," Madison gave me a reassuring smiling, still typing away on her phone.

"Why can't you just pay attention to me? And not some other hot celebrity," I hissed.

The days we spent together were always like this, after months of being apart she didn't even seem to care that I was here... ever. It never started out this way. I like to think she truly did love me at one point, before being famous got to her head.

"Just chill out. I'll be done in a second," She said, biting down on her plump bottom lip. That was already red from being chewed on, one of her habit when she was concentrating.

"I don't have a fucking second Madison. It's me or your stupid phone," I growled out angrily.

She looked up from her phone, her eyes glaring deeply into mine.

"Excuse me?" She asked looking a bit taken back, "You wouldn't dare leave me."

"You want to fucking bet? I know I can find someone who would love to be with me," I said sternly, scared she would see through me. I couldn't fathom the thought of leaving her. She was the only thing I had ever known, the only girl that things had ever felt right with.

"You really think that bothers me Gilinsky? You are just good for publicity. You know how many people want to get some of this," she looked down at her body, a smirk plastered on her face, "Do you know how many guys want inside me?"

I clenched my fists, anger rushing through my body. She was doing the one thing she knew best; mind games.

"I am done," I said sadly, my voice breaking down.

"You'll be back," She taunted, picking back up her phone starring back into it.

My body shook, wanting nothing more than to just break down. Madison didn't know it but I wouldn't be coming back.

I shook myself out of the daydream, looking down at my beautiful princess passed out in my lap.

"I am so sorry," I whispered quietly, brushing my fingertips through her hair.

I never meant to freak out on anyone, just what Cameron said brought back a lot of bad memories. Constantly being told I was never good enough, that I was only good for my looks. I hated the way she treated me, but it was the only love I had ever known, until I met Carly. Whenever I first ever laid eyes on her, I knew I had to have her. A lonely girl and a broken would have an epic love, you'd think? But I don't think me and Carly would ever have a happy ending. Especially when she is still in love with someone else... I see the way they look at each other, the way they act. And the way his actions cause her so much pain. I just hope one day she loves me that same way.

"Man she can sleep," I said chuckling slightly.

"She always could," Nash laughing.

"It's kind of her specialty. She would do great on long tours," Cameron added, turning in his seat to face me, "She looks so peaceful with you."

"I wish things could stay like this forever, but with all these tours coming up.. we'll barely be able too see each other," I mumbled out sadly.

"Trust me. I understand that one," Shawn grumbled, starring down at his phone, "Being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"We all knew we would be sacrificing a lot. It just seemed like it was worth it before we all found reasons to stay" Nash said sadly starring out the windshield, "I miss home more than you could ever believe."

"It was worth it though," I said smiling, "Because I met some amazing freinds.

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