20- Jack Gilinsky

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I sat there starstruck holding her in my arms. The tops of her plump full breasts exploding out of her button up shirt. The color complimented her eyes perfectly, causing the blue waves to 'pop' and look more vibrant. God. I wanted her. I tugged at the bottom of my lip softly, holding back a soft moan of frustration. The way her chestnut hair always cascaded-ed around her frame so elegantly drove me insane.

"Love birds. Let's go," Nash grumbled, breaking me out of my trance.

A smirk spread across as lips, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. I had completely forgotten we were still visible to everyone in the room. She was honestly just so captivating. Nash and the rest of the boys walked out of the hotel room, and me and Carly followed behind them holding hands. Taylor occasionally turning around and making a few kissy faces.

The stage was across the street from the hotel so It wasn't necessarily a long walk, but still set up was going to suck. Two large security guards walking along with us. All of us a little terrified Carly was going to be attacked again. Walking into the large nearly blacked out room. We all headed towards the stage preparing all of our equipment.

"Carly, don't touch that," Cameron growled.

"Why?" She asked so innocently, smiling widely.

"Because that is mine. Put it down." Cameron sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Fine. Grouchy pants. You should knock a few years off that attitude you might have some fun once in awhile," Carly teased, poking Cameron's cheeks as she walked by him.

Those two really don't seem too like each other, I was honestly kind of expecting to see Nash and Carly fight this much. Not Cameron and her, I don't get why he hates her so much. On all of our other tours, he never had anything bad too say about her. Always defending her and talking about her like he missed her. If I didn't know any better myself there had too be more too this story. I shrugged off the though and got back to work on setting back up my props. Who cares if he had a thing for her. I am clearly winning with the way he was treating her. Plus I also was the one who was taking her on a date tonight.

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