23- Cameron

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My fingers glided down her dark hair slightly grazing her cheek, her lips spread into a smile. Her cheeks grew red and she looked away chewing on her lip nervously. Her small figure still straddling my body. Her shirtless chest exposed, her breasts looked amazing in the black lace bralette wrapped around her chest. She moved her face down closer to mine, biting at my bottom lip softly. My hands traveled down the smooth skin on her back, gripping her bottom. She smirked, kissing my lips softly. Her lips tasted of that cherry chap stick, you know the one that was every girls craze in elementary school. She let out a small giggle biting down on the corner of her bottom lip. She grinded her hips into mine, causing me to go crazy for her. I moaned quietly, pushing my head back as a surge of pleasure rolled through my body. I have waited for this moment my entire life. I wanted her so bad.

"Cam. Wake up!" Nash voice echoed.

My dream world vanished. Opening my eyes slowly Nash's face was inches from mine. Definitely not who I wanted see when I was just dreaming of his sister. The dreams have been a lot harder to control now that I have too see her face everyday.

"Ya. I am up," I sighed, moving my body into an upwards position on the end on the bed.

I couldn't stop thinking about her, the way her lips tasted on mine that's all I've ever dreamed of. Literally. I couldn't help but think of how she has was having her first date ever with such a baboon. I'm such a fool, always thinking of how much I love her but on the outside I am so cold too her.

"What did you want?" I asked sharply a hint of annoyance, from just being woken up.

"I need a friend to watch this move with," Nash whined holding up astro Boy.

"Fine," I grumbled, wrapping my blanket around my body and plopping myself down on the couch.

"Man. You are Carly are so much alike," Nash said chuckling.

"Shut up," I growled, retreating into my comforter of warmth.

Forever & Always [ J.G | C.D ]Where stories live. Discover now