53- Cameron

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53- Cameron Dallas

'My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost, I need to feel something, 'cause I'm still so far from home. Cross your heart and hope to die, promise me you'll never leave my side'

Oli Skyes voice filled the tiny speakers of my shitty beater car-- a red 91' geo metro. After Carly stormed off back up too her bedroom. The only sensible thing to do was not be there anymore. Fuck. I hated what I had just done too her but what choice did I honestly have. I wasn't going to be one of those people who never say anything... Hoping and waiting that maybe one day she isn't taken once again and my chance will come. She's probably going to be pissed off at me for awhile... Well actually I know she is going to be pissed but at least she'll know how I truly feel about her.

I spend years treating her horribly like she wasn't worth anything too me, and somehow it worked but now all of these possibilities have been unlocked in my head and I can't seem to get her off my mind. I pulled onto the highway, shifting my car into fifth quickly. Allowing the loud music and speed to calm my out of control nerves. I hated being alone, but who was I supposed to talk about my feelings with? Nash would never understand... And I didn't exactly have my family to count on. I was alone. My phone started buzzing in my pocket violently-- Stupidly I pulled it out of my pocket analyzing the caller I.D carefully. Unknown Caller flashed across the screen. Sliding the accept bar on the screen, I lifted it up to my ear.

"Cameron, you need to go too the hospital. Mom overdosed again."

My sisters voice was unfamiliar not it's normal peppy tone, but it seemed flat the way a heartbroken child who has had their dreams crushed one to many times growing up. There was no panic in her voice, and no fear that her mom was on her way to death. Let's be honest we have been in this same position so many times it didn't even surprise me that my sister was calling me again... It was really the only time we ever talked. She left home at a young age and went and pursued her dreams. Our mother hasn't been okay since my father's sudden disappearance.

"Yah. I'll be there. Also Sierra you know you don't have to only talk to me when mom is dying," I sarcastically mocked out, a lack of sensitivity to our mothers actions.

She let out a long sigh, "I know. Text me if she is okay."

The call ended before another word was able to be said. And that was the infamous Sierra Dallas-- The person that my childhood revolved around. Growing up she was my big sister always trying to help me and reassuring me that what mother said was absolute bullshit. You'd really think that after her second time of 'accidental' swallowing a bottle of pills she would have had us kids taken away. Nope. She'd be hospitalized for a few days come home and be a perfect mom for two weeks than as if on Queue she would fall off the wagon. My childhood was a shit show. How could I ever tell Carly something like that? I would never have the satisfaction of her every being able to meet my family. And the thought of finally finding the love of my life and have no one to show her off too scared the hell out of me. But it would make holidays with family a lot easier... But really that was it. The thought of just turning around and going home crossed through my mind-- I knew mother would be fine she has always never quite swallowed enough before. I shock my head continuing down the long two-lane highway. No matter how much she has put me through she will always be my mother. The person that for a short while gave me all the morals that were needed to survive now days. It's not her fault that things ended the way they did. Maybe this time things could be a little different between us.

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