46- Carly

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-2 weeks later-

"I love you," I whispered, starring into his glazed over eyes, "We'll see each other soon."

"Soon isn't good enough. Why can't you just come with me," his eyes pleaded me.

"Jack.. I have to go home," I breathed out shakily, "Please don't make this harder than it already is."

"but I love you," he whined, cupping my face in his hands, "You aren't supposed to be able to live without the love of your life."

This mornings goodbye was one of the hardest things I have ever endeavored. Jack had to go back home to Nebraska and well me I was heading back to California. My family did used to live in North Carolina but when Nash was around 4 we moved to Los Angeles. Where we moved only a few blocks away from Cameron Dallas. It's strange how things worked, we moved here because our mom didn't want to have her fourth child in the same house, and me and Nash both met our forever person. It is strange to say but no matter what I try and make myself believe I can feel in my heart that Cameron is the one who belongs there. Jack was something amazing and captivating... but would he be enough to even keep my heart from wandering? I sounded like such a bad person. But worse then that I sound like one of those whiny fictional girls fighting for her love triangle. I almost feel like I'm stuck in some horrible twilight sitcom but instead of only loving one, I think I do truly love both of them.

I sniffled wiping away a few tears, starring out at all the blurry scenery. An all together familiar season, winter wasn't an option in California. This was going to be a hard few months. Because unlike all the boys who get to go back on tour... I am stuck here. But after senior year I'll be able to follow them everywhere maybe if I am lucky even join them. I guess all I can do is hope that things go the way I want them. Cameron sat beside me, his head resting on the door of the SUV. I reached my hand out slowly poking his side. He looked up at me quickly smiling.

"Yes Carly?" Cameron asked happily.

"I'm lonely," I mumbled out, looking forward at Nash and Hayes who were enjoying their music.

"It's going to take a bit to get used to, but you guys will be fine," Cam said his voice trying to be gently.

"I wasn't talking about Jack...," I sighed quietly, "It's just lonely in the backseat.

"Oh," Cameron bit on his lip anxiously.

"Half an hour away guys!" Nash shouted excitedly.

I looked over at Cameron, his eyes looked scared. The way a dog looks when you are taking them to the vet, the way they look like they just want to throw themselves from the vehicle and run away as fast as they could. Cam looked like he just wanted to run as far away as he could from his life. What was expecting him when he walked through his front door. I knew very little of Cameron's childhood, I had never even thought of why he was always at our place, and why he was so afraid of being alone. I slowly slide my hand into his squeezing gently.

"It's going to be okay," I cooed, wiggling my way to the seat next to him. My head pressed on his bony figure.

"You don't know that," he growled.

"You have me," I whispered gently in his ear, "You have me forever, Dallas."

His body tensed, and he turned his face too look at me, a large smile plastered on his lips, "You mean it?"

"Yes. Forever and Always," I held my pinky out, waiting for him to complete the promise.

His pinky locked with mine and he mimicked what I had said, "Forever and Always."

If there was one thing I could never break in my life... It would be that pinky promise.

"Carly Grier, I will hold you to this promise," he taunted wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Good," I whispered into his chest.

These next few weeks were going to be incredibly long trying to resist Cameron. If Jack was here it would make it so much easier. I wonder if he is home by now? Seeing all of his family and freinds. I bet he has such an amazing life back home. I mean what boy wouldn't with those looks. It's kind of sad to think how much Madison destroyed his ego and him, he is worth so much more than a beautiful jaw structure. I am the one who gets to see him at two am laughing at all the funny commercials on TV. I am the one who gets to see how much his face lights up when he sees something he loves, I am the one who gets to see how close him and Jack are. And how much they comfort and console each other. How was I ever supposed to choice between these two boys. They are my weakness, but yet they are my biggest accomplishments. In two very short months they have given me so much happiness and taught me so much about myself, they showed me how beautiful I truly am, but most importantly in a household of five and four of them are famous, they showed me that I wasn't just the useless daughter but someone who was important as well. I mean even my five year old sister was more famous than I was. In all honesty I was just as horrified to go home as Cameron was. What if everything changed once we got there? What happens when I just become a nobody again.

A/n- So I would just to inform you guys on something. Well more of a little *hint* the more people ship in the comments is the one who wins the heart of Carly Grier. So you want your boy to win? Get in those darn comments and start telling me who you like together more.

Question of the week; Favorite ship?

Answer: Well honestly at the moment it would have to be Prince Charming and Captain Hook. Captain swan anyone?

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